Jenkins : Plugin Installation Statistics

Wiki pages for plugins now show the installation counts over time. This information is computed from the anonymous usage statistics that we collect, and therefore only reflect unknown percentage of the real installations. The usage statistics are further filtered in an attempt to remove "non serious" instances — those that are running sporadically or doesn't regularly check back in to the mothership.

If you'd like to look at raw data, see here. Code that computes this can be found here, and the Confluence plugin that generates this table is here.

There is also general statistics page using the same data:

This page tells you things like:

  • which plugin had the most downloads (top 500 and top 1000)
  • the number of total jenkins installations per month
  • the number of nodes
  • the percentage of OSs used on the nodes 
  • which job type is the most popular
  • number of executors

In addition, the page also displays a graph of the inter plugin dependencies