Plugin Information |
View Pipeline Aggregator View on the plugin site for more information. |
Older versions of this plugin may not be safe to use. Please review the following warnings before using an older version:
- 1.8 Added the option for showing only the last build of a pipeline matching the patterns
- 1.7 bugfixes
- 1.6 filter applied on full display name making it easy not to filter multibranch projects and branchest within its regex: multibranch-project-name.+(branch1|branch2|branch3) #[0-9]+
- 1.5 fixed a bug that didn't allow multibranch projects to be filtered correctly
- 1.4: fixed the auto-refresh
- 1.3: Added option to remove the auto-scrolling of the commits
- 1.2: fixed the href issue and added auto-scrolling to the list of commit
- 1.1: fixed an issue that didn't allow the folder or renamed builds to be displayed
- 1.0: initial release a dashboard like view that selects only pipelines and presents the stages and the commits on each build.