Jenkins : Nutanix Calm Plugin

Nutanix Calm Jenkins plugin allows you to launch Nutanix Calm blueprint, provision infrastructure, and services in a multi cloud environment and subsequently run actions/tasks on those applications.


Version 1.2 (January 03 2019)

  • Ability to reference the Jenkins Environment variables in the run time variables section of blueprint launch and application action run in the Jenkins Calm Plugin. 
  • Calm Service IP application variable is exposed as a Jenkins environment variable.
  • This release also includes two minor bug fixes.

Known Issues

  • Slight performance lag observed in the plugin when used in Windows OS chrome browser

Version 1.1 (November 03 2018)

  • In this release Plugin can be used with Jenkins Freestyle projects and Pipeline.
    Launch Calm Blueprints and run application actions from the Jenkins build steps.
  • The Prism Central credentials are handled by the credentials plugin as prescribed by Jenkins.
  • By default, the PC IP/URL expects an SSL certificate. There is an exclusive option to override the same.


  • All source code is licensed under the MIT license.

Supported Versions:

  • Jenkins versions: 2.107.2 and later
  • Nutanix Calm versions: 5.7.1 and later
  • Google Chrome version:  69.0.3497.100 (Official Build) (64-bit) 

Plugin Installation:

  • Navigate to Manage Jenkins→ Manage Plugin → Available.  Search for Nutanix Calm
  • To verify that the Nutanix Calm plug-in is successfully installed, click Manage Jenkins→ Manage Plugins→ Installed, search for Nutanix Calm plugin. 

Plugin Configuration:

  • To configure the plugin first Navigate to Manage Jenkins -> Configure System -> Nutanix Calm Plugin Configuration. Provide the Prism Central IP/DNS Name, Username and Password.

Jenkins Freestyle job Setup:

  • Click on New Item. Select Freestyle project. Enter an item name. Click OK.

  • Click on Add Build step. Select Nutanix Calm Blueprint Launch

  • In the section
    • Select the Calm project.
    • Select the Blueprint to launch. Blueprint description is fetched and displayed. 
    • Select the Application profile.
    • Modify the values for runtime variables available for that application profile. 
    • Provide an application name. BUILD_ID is appended by default to the application name to uniquely identify it in Calm. 
    • Select the option if you want Jenkins job to wait for blueprint launch to complete before proceeding to the next step.

  • To invoke actions defined in the Calm blueprint/ application, click on Add Build Step. Select Nutanix Calm Application Action Run

  • In the section 
    • Select the application name. 
    • Select the application actions available. 
    • If necessary, modify the values for the runtime variables available.

    • Click on Apply and then Save.
    • Click on Build Now to run these build steps. 

Jenkins Pipeline:

  • Click on New Item. Select Pipeline. Enter an item name. Click OK.

  • Select pipeline script in Pipeline Definition section and to generate the pipeline syntax click on the Pipeline Syntax at the bottom. 

  • In the Pipeline Syntax window, select the General build Step in the Sample step dropdown. 
  • Select Nutanix Calm Blueprint Launch in Build Step
  • In the section
    • Select the Calm project.
    • Select the Blueprint to launch. Blueprint description is fetched and displayed. 
    • Select the Application profile.
    • Modify the values for runtime variables available for that application profile. 
    • Provide an application name. BUILD_ID is appended by default to the application name to uniquely identify it in Calm. 
    • Select the option if you want Jenkins job to wait for blueprint launch to complete before proceeding to the next step.
  • Click on Generate Pipeline Script.

  • Copy and paste the text in the box below into the pipeline script box in {} under node. 

  • Follow same steps to generate the pipeline syntax for Nutanix Calm Application Action Run.

  • Copy and paste the text in the box below into the pipeline script box in {} under node. 

  • Click on Apply and then Save.

  • CNow we can click on Build Now to run these build steps. 

  • Pipeline scripts can also be invoked from SCM in Pipeline Definition section 

${CalmServicesIP} is the exposed Jenkins environment variable which gives the output like InstanceName_ProviderType=IP For example {mssqlvm-0-190103-040010_VMWARE_VM=, iis1-0-190103-040009_VMWARE_VM=, iis2-0-190103-040009_VMWARE_VM=}