Plugin Information |
View Matrix Project on the plugin site for more information. |
Older versions of this plugin may not be safe to use. Please review the following warnings before using an older version:
See Building a matrix project for user information.
In the New Item user interface, this plugin contributes the following one:
See all extension points here: Matrix Project Extension Points
Matrix Axis Extension
Selenium Axis Plugin —
Creates an axis based on a local Selenium grid and also build against the SauceLabs Selenium capability at the same time.
Both components rebuild before each build to take advantage of any new capabilities.The Selenium grid uses all capabilities available and the SauceLab one a random subset, which can be configured or disabled.
DynamicAxis Plugin —
This plugin allows you to define a matrix build axis that is dynamically populated from an environment variable:
Yaml Axis Plugin — Matrix project axis creation and exclusion plugin using yaml file (It's similar to .travis.yml)
Sauce OnDemand Plugin — This plugin allows you to integrate Sauce Selenium Testing with Jenkins.
Elastic Axis — This plugin is a power up for the multi configuration jobs allowing you to configure jobs to run on all slaves under a single label.
Matrix Groovy Execution Strategy Plugin — A plugin to decide the execution order and valid combinations of matrix projects.
NodeLabel Parameter Plugin — This plugin adds two new parameter types to job configuration - node and label, this allows to dynamically select the node where a job/project should be executed.
If your plug-in is not listed here, then simply add the label matrix-axis-producer to your plug-in wiki page and it will be automatically listed.
Version 1.14 (Mar 6, 2019)
Version 1.12 (Oct 3, 2017)
- Align test result table headers where fields are
- Allow MatrixAggregatable to be registered as an (optional) extension.
- Fix potential locking problem in MatrixProject
Version 1.11 (May 12, 2017)
JENKINS-43990 Upgrade to new parent pom and other related fixes
Version 1.10 (Apr 19, 2017)
- JENKINS-39739 Argument passed to createVariableResolver() must never be null
- JENKINS-43390 Loading parameters from xml file causes that the same parameters are different objects for matrix configuration builds
- JENKINS-34389 Fixed handling of dynamic axis
Version 1.9 (Mar 24, 2017)
- Optimized matrix configuration label computation
JENKINS-34389 Improved handling of axis rebuild
- Fixed StringIndexOutOfBoundsException if label have no values
Make matrix build able to survive restarts
Version 1.8 (Jan 12, 2017)
- Fixed handling of dynamic axis
- Fix race condition where A NPE is thrown when an item is being processed
- Improved German Translation
Version 1.7.1 (Jun 24, 2016)
- JENKINS-32230 Disable WARNING log when folder is already existed
Version 1.7 (May 24, 2016)
- JENKINS-34758 Parameters visibility in child builds (related to SECURITY-170)
Version 1.6 (Jun 18, 2015)
- JENKINS-JENKINS-28909 Do not enforce safe characters for axis values (regression from 1.5).
Version 1.5 (Jun 08, 2015)
- Now requires 1.609+.
- JENKINS-25221 Use new internal control.
- Fix NullPointerException if swapping between MatrixExecutionStrategies
- JENKINS-25449 Better form validation.
- JENKINS-13554 Cleaner handling of build deletion.
- JENKINS-23614 URL escaping fix.
- JENKINS-9277 JENKINS-23614 JENKINS-25448 Reject invalid axis name/value.
- Display axis name in tooltip.
- JENKINS-27162 Log touchstone build results.
- JENKINS-26582 Errors when starting builds from Git commit notifications.
Version 1.4.1 (Feb 27, 2015)
Bundled in 1.596.1 and 1.600. Do not update to this release if using an older Jenkins version. If you have already updated, use Plugin Manager » Installed to revert to your previous version.
- Fixed a security issue related to the combinations filter script. You need to update Jenkins to 1.596.1 or 1.600 to get this fix.
Version 1.4 (Oct 14, 2014)
Automatic deletion of inactive configurations from the disk
JENKINS-24282 Use noun phrase in the New Item dialog
JENKINS-19179 Prevent the disabling of matrix configurations (e.g. by checkout failures in Subversion plugin)
Version 1.3 (Jul 22, 2014)
- Moved in a file which was accidentally left behind in core.
- Preparing for possible split of test reporting functionality into a plugin.
- Portuguese translation fix.
Version 1.2 (May 07, 2014)
- JENKINS-22798 Fixed another class loading problem related to split.
Version 1.1 (May 06, 2014)
- JENKINS-22863 Fixed class loading problem affecting combination filters after split.
Version 1.0 (Apr 28, 2014)
- Depending on 1.561 final.
Version 1.0 beta 1 (Apr 14, 2014)
- Split off from core as of 1.561.