Jenkins : LinchPin Plugin

Plugin Information

No information for the plugin 'linchpin' is available. It may have been removed from distribution.

This plugin integrate LinchPin with Jenkins.


LinchPin Installation

Select "Install automatically" > "Add Installer" > "LinchPin Installer".

Build Environment

Select "Use LinchPin" then find your LinchPin and copy&paste your PinFile.


Select "Add build step" > "LinchPin Up".

Post-build Actions

Very Important! Select "Add post-build action" > "LinchPin TearDown" If not selected LinchPin will continue to run!

Adding Layout & Topology files

For adding layout & topology files select "This project is parameterized" on "General".
Then "Add Parameter" > "File Parameter".

Adding layout file - on the "File location" enter first "layouts/" then the file name you want it to be called, don't forget the file extention!

Adding topology file - on the "File location" enter first "topologies/" then the file name you want it to be called, don't forget the file extention!

Common Error : entering "/layouts/yourFile.yml" won't work! > use "layouts/yourFile.yml" instead (without the first '/').