Jenkins : Jabber Server Plugin

Plugin Information

View Jabber Server on the plugin site for more information.

The current version of this plugin may not be safe to use. Please review the following warnings before use:

This plugin creates a Jabber-Server for your builtin-users using the Jenkin's Domainname (you need a .jks-File).

Target Audience

This Document is for Administrators and for all who are able to install Plug-ins into a already installed Jenkins-CI.


Feel free to ask questions that are emerged by this Pages, i will try to find a matching answer and the right place for.

Preparation to Installation

Get sure that the Plug-in is not yet installed and you have the right to install plug-ins. Get sure you can claim a open Socket for the connection, favored is the port 5222.


The installation will be easy.

  1. Log in into Jenkins.
  1. Open the Manage Jenkins page.
  1. Open the Manag Plugins page.
  1. Open the Available tab.
  1. Filter for Jabber (the filter is available on the upper right side of the Plugin-Adminstration-Page).
  1. Check the "install" Box right to the Jabber-Server-Plugin.
  1. Press Install without restart or Download now and install after restart.

See the Jabber-Plugin

Preparation to Integration

Get sure that the Plug-in is successfully installed (See #Installation) and you have either a .jks-File for the server, or you have access to the Shell of the Server.
Get sure that Jenkins has security enabled via the Configure Global Security-Page. The "Jenkin's standard user database": must be activated.


The integration unfortunately is not such easy as the Installation was. To create the key (Step 2) is only neccessary if you do not already have a .jks-File for the Server.

  1. Log in into the Server's shell.
  2. Create a keystore for the self-signed SSL-Encryption (optional). Use in example the
    @keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias SERVER-NAME -keystore REPLACEME.jks -storepass password -validity 360 -keysize 2048@
  3. Copy the absolute path of the generated REPLACEME.jks-File and update the Jabber-Server-Configuration, update password in the Plug-in's configuration to the Storepass.