Jenkins : JDCloud CodeDeploy Plugin

Plugin Information

View JDCloud CodeDeploy on the plugin site for more information.


This plugin provides a "post-build" step for your Jenkins project. Upon a successful build, it will tar the workspace, upload to Jdcloud Object Storage Service, and start a new deployment on Jdcloud Codedeploy. Also, you can start the deployment with the package provied by a Url. Optionally, you can chose to wait for the deployment to finish, making the final success contingent on the success of the deployment.


Jenkins version 2.7.3 or newer is required.


After building and installing the plugin, some simple configuration is needed for your project.

  1. Open up your project configure
  2. In the Post-build Actions section, select Deploy to JDCloud CodeDeploy
  3. AppName, GroupName, and region are all required options.
  4. For authentication, there are two options. 
    1. Access/Secret key pair.
    2. Temporary access keys. These will use the global keys from the Jenkins instance.