Plugin Information |
View InfluxDB Query on the plugin site for more information. |
The plugin provides a mechanism for querying InfluxDB as a post build step for use as a deployment gateway.
Using a time series database to for aggregating testing and development tool data makes sense if you can query it after all the testing is complete to determine if a build is stable.
- Jenkins running on Java 1.7 or later
Global Configuration
Select Manage Jenkins -> Configure System, scroll to InfluxDB Query Plugin
Configuration parameter:
- InfluxDB URL: The complete url including port of the Influxdb e.g. http://localhost:8086 or
- InfluxDB Database: Database name where relevant events are stored e.g. devops
- InfluxDB User: InfluxDB username with access to the relevant events.
- InfluxDB Password: Password for InfluxDB user.
Test connection would show you a count of available metrics.
If the count shows 0 measurements, credentials are correct but database may be wrong.
If credentials are incorrect you will receive an authentication error.
Job Post Step Configuration
On Job, select Add Post-build step, select Query InfluxDB:
Then configure:
Configuration parameters
- Check Name: Name for the check to be run, it is display in console for better understanding of performed check.
Influx Query: InfluxDB select query supposed to return 1 value. It can be a sum, count or function returning only one value. May use Jenkins tokens such as build number in the query. e.g. :
select count(errors) from DevOps where application = 'ArchRival2.1' deployment = '2-1-$BUILD_NUMBER'.
It may also be a query against any metric in InfluxDB that is filled by a step of the build, for example if you run a Load Test with Apache JMeter with an Backend Listener with InfluxdbBackendListenerClient client, you could query the errors to fail a build:
select 100*sum(countError)/sum(count) from jmeter where application = 'mygreatapp' and buildNumber = '${BUILD_TAG}'
- Expected Threshold: Threshold for the value returned by query result. If exceeded and if Mark Build Unstable is selected, the build will be marked unstable.
- Retry Count: Number of times to execute the query as a single post-build step.
- Retry Interval: Time to wait in between each query in seconds.
- Mark Build Unstable: Check if we should mark the build unstable if the Max Record Count is exceeded.
- Show Query Results: Check if we should should display the query results in the Jenkins console.
You can configure multiple Queries.
For any issue please report at our official repository.
Change Log
Version 1.0 (2018-11-20)
Release notes of 1.0
Version 1.1 (2018-11-28)
Release notes of 1.1
Version 1.2 (2018-12-12)
Release notes of 1.2