Jenkins : Inedo ProGet Plugin

Plugin Information

View Inedo ProGet Plugin on the plugin site for more information.

Older versions of this plugin may not be safe to use. Please review the following warnings before using an older version:

This plugin integrates Inedo ProGet with Jenkins allowing Jenkins jobs to create and upload, or download and extract, universal packages.It requires ProGet version 4.0.12 or higher to work correctly.


First, you need to ensure that an api key as been configured in ProGet at ProGet > Administration > API Keys & Access Logs 

Without this the plugin will still work to a certain point but will have reduced functionality in the job configuration - i.e. you will need to fill in certain details rather than select values from a drop down list, of feeds, groups and packages.

Next, you need to go to Jenkins' system config screen to tell Jenkins where's your ProGet installation resides and the username and password of a user with permission to upload files to ProGet.

Finally, you need to add either an "ProGet Upload Package" or "ProGet Download Package" build step to your Jenkins job.

Upload Package

In it basic form, this simply require specifying the files in your work space that you'd like to package, supplying some metadata that that describes the package and the job is done.

Please consult the help text in the plugin configuration screen for more information on each setting.

There are some more advanced options that allow you to tweak the files that will be included in the package and the supply additional metadata.

Download Package

Downloads a universal ProGet package in the requested format (package, zip, or tgz) to specified folder and will optionally unpack it for you.

The environment variable PROGET_FILE will be populated with the name of the downloaded file

Please consult the help text in the plugin configuration screen for more information on each setting.

Pipeline Script

Script can be generated using the pipeline syntax snippet generator.

Scripted Pipeline Example
node {
    bat '''DEL *.TXT /Q
        DEL *.upack /Q
        ECHO Build Tag: %BUILD_TAG% > Example.txt'''
    uploadProgetPackage artifacts: 'Example.txt', feedName: 'Example', groupName: 'jenkins/pipleline', packageName: 'JenkinsPackage', version: "1.0.${BUILD_NUMBER}"
    downloadProgetPackage downloadFolder: "${WORKSPACE}", downloadFormat: 'pkg', feedName: 'Example', groupName: 'jenkins/pipleline', packageName: 'JenkinsPackage', version: "1.0.${BUILD_NUMBER}"
Declarative Pipeline Example
pipeline {
  agent any

  stages {
    stage('Main') {
      steps {
        bat '''DEL *.TXT /Q
            DEL *.upack /Q
            ECHO Build Tag: %BUILD_TAG% > Example.txt'''
        uploadProgetPackage artifacts: 'Example.txt', feedName: 'Example', groupName: 'jenkins/pipleline', packageName: 'JenkinsPackage', version: "1.0.${BUILD_NUMBER}"
        downloadProgetPackage downloadFolder: "${WORKSPACE}", downloadFormat: 'pkg', feedName: 'Example', groupName: 'jenkins/pipleline', packageName: 'JenkinsPackage', version: "1.0.${BUILD_NUMBER}"


Version 1.0 (28 July, 2018)

  • Fix SECURITY-1514 secret viewable as plaintext in configuration form 

Version 1.2 (11 Nov, 2018)

  • Improved messaging for ProGet connection issues
  • Do not check length of fields in UI as these are changing from 50 character limit in ProGet, rely on ProGet to return errors

Version 1.1 (11 Nov, 2018)

  • Support Sematic Versioning 2.0

Version 1.0 (28 July, 2018)

Version 0.8 (Mar 12, 2018)

  • Add authorization for download package

Version 0.7 (Jan 15, 2017)

  • Pipeline script support

Version 0.6 (Nov 14, 2016)

  • Support running on Jenkins slaves/nodes
  • Prevent caching of requests

Version 0.4 (Oct 17, 2016)

  • Download to node

Version 0.3 (May 17, 2016)

  • Expand 'Files to package' upload variable correctly
  • Validate format version number

Version 0.2 (May 17, 2016)

  • Initial Release
