Jenkins : GroovyAxis

Plugin Information

Distribution of this plugin has been suspended due to unresolved security vulnerabilities, see below.

The current version of this plugin may not be safe to use. Please review the following warnings before use:

Jenkins Groovy Axis Plugin


This plugin allows to have scriptable axes for Matrix Jobs. Groovy is the scripting language being used.

The script will have to return a list of strings and each of the strings will be an element of the axis.

If the script does not return a list of strings then


will be returned instead.


Define an axis with three values:

return [ "Axis1", "Axis2", "Axis3" ]

Define the same axis programmatically:

def result = []
(1..3).each {
   result += "Axis"+it
return result

Define an axis whose values are the files in the root directory:

def dir = new File('/')
def result = []
dir.eachFile {
   if (it.isFile()) {
      result += it.canonicalPath

return result

