Jenkins : Export Report

Version 1.1.0 Documentation


To ensure that you are viewing the correct documentation, the title of this Informational box should reflect the most recent version of the ZAP Jenkins Plugin.

 Latest Release

Info: Useful when used in conjunction with Summary Display and HTML Publisher.


Export Report: Finalize Run


  1. Generate Reports
    • Clear Workspace Reports

      Info: Delete all previously generated reports from the workspace before any new reports are generated. (.html , .xhtml , .xml , .json )

    • Filename

      Info: Specify a filename for the ZAP Report. Note that the file extension is not necessary. The report(s) will be saved into the Jenkins Job's Workspace.

      Info: Append the Build Variable BUILD_ID to the filename to ensure a quality name.


      Info: Accepts System Environment Variables, Build Variables as well as Environment Inject Plugin Variables (cannot be used during pre-build).

  2. Export Report
    • Format

      Info: You can select multiple formats (.xhtml , .xml , .json ).


Export Report: Source Details


  • Title

    Info: Provide a title for the report to be generated.

    Info: Append the Build Variable BUILD_ID to the title to ensure a quality name. 

    • (info) [BUILD #${BUILD_ID}] Vulnerability Report of ${NAME}

    Info: Accepts System Environment Variables, Build Variables as well as Environment Inject Plugin Variables (cannot be used during pre-build).



Export Report: Alert Severity

Include/Exclude Alerts by Severity.


Export Report: Alert Details

Include/Exclude Details of each Alert.



EXPORT_REPORT.png (image/png)
bootstrap.png (image/png)
doc.png (image/png)
html.png (image/png)
json.png (image/png)
json.png (image/png)
pdf.png (image/png)
pdf.png (image/png)
xml.png (image/png)