Plugin Information |
No information for the plugin 'easyqa-plugin' is available. It may have been removed from distribution. |
The main feature is to create an issue on EasyQA Test Management Tool when the build fails in Jenkins.
Global configuration
To start using this plugin, EasyQA sites should be configured on the global configuration page. For each job a separate project can be selected, and specific options can be set. Here you need to specify:
- EasyQA Project name
- Base URL (if you use EasyQA Cloud, the base URL is -
- Project token (you can find in on the Integrations page within your project in EasyQA)
- User email - the email of registered EasyQA user
- User password - the password of registered EasyQA user
Project configuration
When you have set up your EasyQA site(s) in the global configuration you can enable the integration on the job configuration page. You select the project you want to integrate with and the failure mode.
Create an issue on EasyQA after Build failure
Add a post-build action - Create an issue on Build failure on EasyQA. Here you can choose for what result do you want to create an issue and if you want to attach build log file.
Version history
Version 1.0 (1 June, 2017)
- Initial release