Plugin Information |
View Docker on the plugin site for more information. |
Older versions of this plugin may not be safe to use. Please review the following warnings before using an older version:
Docker plugin allows to use a docker host to dynamically provision build agents, run a single build, then tear-down agent.
Optionally, the container can be committed, so that (for example) manual QA could be performed by the container being imported into a local docker provider, and run from there.
A quick setup is :
- get a docker environment running
- follow the instructions for creating a docker image that can be used as a Jenkins Agent
Docker Environment
Follow the installation steps on
If your host needs to allow connections from a jenkins instance hosted on a different machine, you will need to open up the TCP port. This can be achieved by editing the docker config file and setting (for example)
DOCKER_OPTS="-H tcp:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock"
The docker configuration file location will depend your system, but it is likely to be /etc/init/docker.conf, /etc/default/docker or /etc/default/
Multiple Docker Hosts
If you want to use more than just a physical node to run containers, you can rely on Docker Swarm Standalone - docker engine swarm mode isn't yet supported.
Follow docker swarm standalone instruction and configure docker swarm API endpoint in Jenkins.
Jenkins Configuration
Docker plugin is a "Cloud" implementation. You'll need to edit Jenkins system configuration (Jenkins > Manage > System configuraiton) and add a new Cloud of type "Docker".
Configure Docker (or Swarm standalone) API URL with required credentials. A test button let you connection with API is well set.
Then configure Agent templates, assigning them labels you can use for your jobs to select the adequate template, and docker container to run
Creating a docker image
You need a docker image that can be used to run Jenkins agent runtime. Depending on the launch method you select, there's some prerequisites for the Docker image to be used :
Launch via SSH
- sshd server and a JDK installed. You can just use jenkins/ssh-slave as a basis for a custom image.
- a SSH key (based on unique Jenkins master instance identity) can be injected in container on startup, you don't need any credential set as long as you use standard openssl sshd.
For backward compatibility or non-standard sshd packaged in your docker image, you also have option to provide manually configured ssh credentials
Launch via JNLP
- a JDK installed. You can just use jenkins/jnlp-slave as a basis for a custom image.
- Jenkins master URL has to be reachable from container.
- container will be configured automatically with agent's name and secret, so you don't need any special configuration of the container
Launch attached
- a JDK installed. You can just use jenkins/slave as a basis for a custom image.
- Please note this mode is experimental at time writing.
To create a custom image and bundle your favorite tools, just create a Dockerfile with FROM to point to one of the jenkins/*-slave reference image, and install everything needed for your own usage
FROM jenkins/ssh-slave RUN apt-get update && apt-get install XXX COPY your-favorite-tool-here
Avoid overriding the docker command, as SSH Launcher relies on it.
You can use an Entrypoint to run some side service inside your build agent container before the agent runtime starts and establish a connexion. Just ensure your entrypoint eventually run the passed command :
exec "$@"
Configure plugin via Groovy script
Either automatically upon Jenkins post-initialization or through Jenkins script console. Example running locally, connecting to Docker service through unix///var/run/docker.sock and launching attached:
import com.nirima.jenkins.plugins.docker.DockerCloud import com.nirima.jenkins.plugins.docker.DockerTemplate import com.nirima.jenkins.plugins.docker.DockerTemplateBase import com.nirima.jenkins.plugins.docker.launcher.AttachedDockerComputerLauncher import io.jenkins.docker.connector.DockerComputerAttachConnector import jenkins.model.Jenkins // parameters def dockerTemplateBaseParameters = [ bindAllPorts: false, bindPorts: '', cpuShares: null, dnsString: '', dockerCommand: '', environmentsString: '', extraHostsString: '', hostname: '', image: 'jenkinsci/slave:latest', macAddress: '', memoryLimit: null, memorySwap: null, network: '', privileged: false, pullCredentialsId: '', sharedMemorySize: null, tty: true, volumesFromString: '', volumesString: '' ] def DockerTemplateParameters = [ instanceCapStr: '4', labelString: 'docker.local.jenkins.slave', remoteFs: '' ] def dockerCloudParameters = [ connectTimeout: 3, containerCapStr: '4', credentialsId: '', dockerHostname: '', name: 'docker.local', readTimeout: 60, serverUrl: 'unix:///var/run/docker.sock', version: '' ] // DockerTemplateBase dockerTemplateBase = new DockerTemplateBase( dockerTemplateBaseParameters.image, dockerTemplateBaseParameters.pullCredentialsId, dockerTemplateBaseParameters.dnsString,, dockerTemplateBaseParameters.dockerCommand, dockerTemplateBaseParameters.volumesString, dockerTemplateBaseParameters.volumesFromString, dockerTemplateBaseParameters.environmentsString, dockerTemplateBaseParameters.hostname, dockerTemplateBaseParameters.memoryLimit, dockerTemplateBaseParameters.memorySwap, dockerTemplateBaseParameters.cpuShares, dockerTemplateBaseParameters.sharedMemorySize, dockerTemplateBaseParameters.bindPorts, dockerTemplateBaseParameters.bindAllPorts, dockerTemplateBaseParameters.privileged, dockerTemplateBaseParameters.tty, dockerTemplateBaseParameters.macAddress, dockerTemplateBaseParameters.extraHostsString ) // DockerTemplate dockerTemplate = new DockerTemplate( dockerTemplateBase, new DockerComputerAttachConnector(), DockerTemplateParameters.labelString, DockerTemplateParameters.remoteFs, DockerTemplateParameters.instanceCapStr ) // DockerCloud dockerCloud = new DockerCloud(, [dockerTemplate], dockerCloudParameters.serverUrl, dockerCloudParameters.containerCapStr, dockerCloudParameters.connectTimeout, dockerCloudParameters.readTimeout, dockerCloudParameters.credentialsId, dockerCloudParameters.version, dockerCloudParameters.dockerHostname ) // get Jenkins instance Jenkins jenkins = Jenkins.getInstance() // add cloud configuration to Jenkins jenkins.clouds.add(dockerCloud) // save current Jenkins state to disk
docker-plugin-global-config.png (image/png)
docker-plugin-image-config.png (image/png)
docker-plugin-job-config.png (image/png)
docker-plugin-private-repo.png (image/png)
Capture d’écran 2017-10-26 à 10.36.46.png (image/png)
Capture d’écran 2017-10-26 à 10.40.20.png (image/png)
Снимок экрана 2018-04-16 в 12.01.36.png (image/png)
Снимок экрана 2018-04-16 в 12.03.20.png (image/png)