Plugin Information |
View diskcheck on the plugin site for more information. |
If the disk space is below minimum threshold (default 1 Gb ) build will fail,
One can set the threshold parameter in the Global Configuration , Also you can choose to delete the workspace if the disk space is low
Per-Job Configuration: Once installed the Plugin is enabled by default in every job , you can disable it if you like
Job Configuration Example:
Global Configuration :
Enable Disk Recycler :: if it's checked and the disk space is low for a job , then it will delete everything in the current job workspace directory,
Threshold for disk check :: you specify per job disk space requirement (in Gb ) in this text box
Global Configuration Example :
Change Log
Version 0.29 (released Jun 14, 2017)
- Changes to address issues with workspace cleanup when recycle is enabled (Pull#5)
- Add Capability to check Disk space every time a Jenkins job starts ( previously it was using diskusage descriptor which runs once every hour)
- Ensure that the system does not exit incase of error.