Plugin Information |
View Discard Old Build on the plugin site for more information. |
This plugin provides a post-build step where you can discard old build results in detailed configuration (ex. keep only builds with specified status).
- You can configure how to discard builds in more detail than the default 'Discard Old Build' function.
- Other than # of builds and days, you can specify build status to discard/keep.
- For older builds, you can configure interval to keep builds (once in a month, once in ten builds...).
- You can also use logfile size to decide if delete a old build.
After installing this plugin, a new post-build step named 'Discard Old Builds' appears.
'Days to keep builds' and 'Max # of builds to keep' work as same as Jenkins core function.
With checking statuses in 'Status to keep' section, Jenkins will keep the builds with selected statuses.
- Last build / last stable build / last successful build are always kept.
- If all the checkboxes are left unchecked, builds with any status are kept.
In advanced section, you can configure how to treat the builds which are older than the criteria specified in basic configuration.
For old builds, perhaps you don't want to keep all, but sometimes you want to keep some of them with less frequency.
This configuration shows:
- Latest 10 builds are kept.
- Except for the latest 10, one in 15 builds are kept(#1, #16, #31,...).
This configuration shows:
- Builds within 30 days are kept.
- For builds older than 30 days, only builds with unstable/failure are kept.
- Add help text
- Add dynamic adjust discard order of discard conditions
1.05 (released June 27, 2013)
- Add reg expression checker to discard build
- Readjust the UI and code logic
1.04 (released June 6, 2013)
- Add logfile size checker to discard build
1.03 (released April 12, 2013)
- Fixed regression related with Jenkins 1.503 (JENKINS-17528)
1.0 (released January 27, 2013)
- Initial release.
discardOldBuild_conf2.png (image/png)
discardOldBuild_conf3.png (image/png)
shift.png (image/png)
discard-old-build.PNG (image/png)