Custom Tools: Jenkins Configurations
Jenkins Manage Jenkins Configure System Custom Tool
- Name
- A required field which will identify the tool installed.
- A required field which will identify the tool installed.
- Download URL for binary archive
- URL from which to download the tool in binary form. Should be either a .zip or a GZip-compressed .tar file.
ZAP releases can be found here.
Notice: Weekly releases are removed after a while (there's no fixed schedule for it).
- The .zip of the version (2016-09-05) which was used to test this release can be found here.
- Subdirectory of extracted archive
- Optional subdirectory of the downloaded and unpacked archive to use as the tool's home directory. Only required if the archive has a subdirectory.
- Optional subdirectory of the downloaded and unpacked archive to use as the tool's home directory. Only required if the archive has a subdirectory.
Custom Tools: Extracted Location
%JENKINS_HOME%/tools/com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.customtools.CustomTool/${Name}/${Subdirectory of extracted archive}
Custom Tools: Job Configuration
- Select Custom Tools Installation
- Specify Name
- Same as the one provided above, you can have multiple installations so be sure to pick the one you want.
arrow.png (image/png)