Jenkins : Build Pipeline Plugin - Roadmap

Release 1.3.0

ALPHA available...again

We are happy to announce the availability of yet another alpha.
You can download the ALPHA here
See the page Build Pipeline Plugin - How to Contribute

Background story

Here's a bit of background about this version. We were looking to make the plugin more responsive while adding features requested by the community and fixing bugs that the community has identified. Around the time, 1.2.4-ALPHA was made available, I was supposed to make a few changes but ended up rewriting a large part of the plugin since it was getting a bit hard to maintain. Then billable work got in the way and what not. Excuses, excuses, I know. We finally got our act together, merged a lot of code from our valuable contributors and we are on our way to release a long overdue version.

Help us test the plugin please!

Once again, we are releasing an ALPHA version and we are asking you, the community, to help us test it. While we are trying to release a solid version of the plugin, there are way too many operating environments, permutations and cases for us to be able to cover. If you can, please download the version of the plugin and give us your feedback.

Release notes

Release notes

Release 1.2.4

ALPHA available...

Please help: Volunteers wanted for testing

You can download the ALPHA and add your findings to

See the page Build Pipeline Plugin - How to Contribute






User able to trigger job bypassing the security



Users with no permissions to start a build can start a build using the pipeline plugin



Permissions blocks looking up revision id of a build, because the plugin uses the external api



contrib fixes for #57 & #64



Jquery won't work without internet access.



Exception in Build Pipeline View caused by the "Build Pipeline Plugin -> Manually Execute Downstream Project" setting



target="_blank" causes too many tabs to be opened



show progress bar for currently running jobs



configuration option to display trigger for only the most recent manual build in each pipeline


How to Contribute

We'd appreciate your help. See Build Pipeline Plugin - How to Contribute

High Priority items


(SVN revision number not showing)


(Downstream dependencies of a Maven job with parameterized trigger are not shown)


(Retry uses the default parameters for the job instead of the actual parameters that were originally passed to the job being retried)

Medium Priority items


(Add support for manual parameterized builds)


(Perforce revision numbers are not supported)


(When build-pipeline-view is made default vew , its difficult to get back to All View)

Other items are maintained on Google code -

Looking further ahead...

21: Support for Join Plugin

There has already been some progress made on this, but it's not quite there yet...

Pipelines of pipelines

It would be great to have the concept of a sub-pipeline. This would allow you to have a clearly understandable top-level pipeline, but still manage complex scenarios:

  • be resued (e.g. deployment to an environment can be several steps that could be reused for each environment)
  • the ability to drill down into sub-pipelines
  • visibility of progress of sub-pipelines from the top-level pipeline

UI Improvement: Layout pipelines

The pipeline steps should be vertically aligned based on pipeline step with the most jobs.

Easier creation of pipelines

Perhaps by cloning entire pipelines, or having configuration that can be shared across a pipeline rather than duplicated in each job

Better support for pipeline parameters

Need to be able to differentiate better what is a pipeline parameter versus a parameter for a single job.

Pipeline metrics

There is a lot of useful information you should be able to capture about your software delivery process, such as bottlenecks in the process, cycle times, rework %ages etc. - would be good to have some reporting around these

What else?
