Saving statistics about failure causes is also possible.
Plugin Information |
View Build Failure Analyzer on the plugin site for more information. |
Older versions of this plugin may not be safe to use. Please review the following warnings before using an older version:
Knowledge base
The plugin comes with an empty knowledge base of failure causes. Populating this knowledge base is done by using the link "Failure Cause Management".
The link is shown only if the permission UpdateCauses is set for the current user. Press "Create new" and add a name and a description for the Failure Cause.
The description should contain the reason why this build failed as well as possible solutions for the build failure.
One or more optional categories can be added as a whitespace-separated list. These categories are only used for the statistics part of the plugin.
Add one or more Indications by pressing "Add Indication". By default, only one type of Indication exists, a "Build Log Indication".
Plugin developers can add new Indication types and more are planned to be added to the plugin itself.
The Build Log Indication searches through the build log, one line at a time, for a regular expression.
It uses Pattern.match, so the regular expression needs to match should be as follows
Match type | |
Single line | .*some words in the middle of a line.* |
Multi line | some words here(.*\s)and some words here |
Adding new failure causes and indications to the knowledge base.
From version 1.3.1 of the plugin, regular expressions can be tested on the Failure Cause Management page, in two different ways:
- Writing a text in the text field shown above and testing against that.
- Writing a URL to a build log in the text field. The plugin then runs through the log trying to match the regexp.
When accessing the Failure Cause Management page from a build, the URL will be added to the text field automatically.
The plugin comes with two ways of saving the knowledge base:
- Local knowledge base. Saves the knowledge base in memory and serializes it as an xml file on the local Jenkins server (i.e. the "standard" Jenkins way of saving information).
- MongoDB knowledge base. Saves the knowledge base in a Mongo database. This can be used to share the
same knowledge base between servers. The knowledge base is still cached locally in-memory to avoid unnecessary database accesses.
Plugin developers can add new knowledge base types.
Build log scanning
All builds on the server that are non-successful (aborted, failed, unstable) will be scanned for all failure causes.
If an indication is found, the description will be put directly on the build page, with a link to the matching line in the build log.
If no cause is found, a text stating this will be shown. The text is configurable on the main configuration page of the server.
The build page when the build failure analyzer has found a failure cause.
The build log with the matching line marked in red.
If MongoDB or some knowledge base type that supports statistics is used, statistics will be saved to that database. The same information
that is shown on the build page is saved to the database.
Administrative settings
On the configure system page in Jenkins, under Build failure analyzer, some new settings are available:
- Enabled - since the plugin scans all failed builds, we felt the need to be able to disable the scanning. Uncheck to disable.
- Text when no failure causes are found - text to show for failed builds whose failure cause is not found in the knowledge base.
- Storage type - Jenkins Local or Mongo DB, as described above. For Mongo DB, configuration details to fill in are as follows: Host, Port, Database name, Username and Password for the Database, Enable Statistics logging (described above).
- Convert knowledge base - If this check box is checked when the configuration is saved and a change has been made to the knowledge base settings, the data from the old knowledge base will be added to the new one. Note that duplicates could appear this way, so make sure that you untick this check box if you for example just have changed the username or password, or if you want to start with a clean knowledgebase.
- Send notifications to Gerrit-Trigger-plugin - if enabled, will send the text for the found failure cause via the gerrit-trigger-plugin to Gerrit.
- Concurrent scans - To speed up the scanning, each build will get a threadpool of this number of threads, with each thread handling one indication. For a small system, 3 is usually enough.
Token Macro integration
${BUILD_FAILURE_ANALYZER, includeTitle=true, includeIndications=true, useHtmlFormat=true, noFailureText="Sometext"}
Parameters (=default):
- includeTitle (=true) -- When true, the "Identified problems:" title will appear over the causes.
- includeIndications (=true) -- When true, the indication numbers and links into the console log are included in the token replacement text.
- useHtmlFormat (=false) -- When true, the replacement will be an HTML snippet.
- wrapWidth (=0) -- Wrap long lines at this width. If wrapWidth is 0, the text isn't wrapped. Only applies if useHtmlFormat == false.
- noFailureText (="") -- Text to provide if there are no found failures
Token macro in Jenkins Pipeline DSL:
node {
def buildFailure = tm('${BUILD_FAILURE_ANALYZER}')
Placeholders in description
Replace description placeholders from captured expressions in found indications
Substitutions may be made within the description with placeholders of the form ${I,G}, where I is the indication number and G is the captured group within the indication expression. e.g., ${1,1} would be replaced with the first indication's first captured group and ${1,2} would be replaced with the first indication's second captured group.
Tips & Tricks
Aggregate statistics to Graphite
If you are using the MongoDB KnowledgeBase, you can use these scripts in a cron job to aggregate the statistics into Graphite. Note that they only work on mongo 2.x node js driver
Known bugs
A full list of open bugs raised against build-failure-analyzer component..
Change Log
From 1.23.1 the change log is on GitHub releases
Version 1.23.0 (released Aug 23, 2019)
- Update jackson from 2.9.3/2.9.7 to 2.9.9 CVE-2019-12086 (Pull #99)
- JENKINS-47027 - "Not valid UTF8" when using umlauts in Failure cause management Open Fix umlauts (Pull #109)
- New feature: fallback causes (Pull #108)
- JENKINS-22026 - Propagate failure causes from downstream builds Reopened New DownstreamBuildFinder using build-cache-plugin (Pull #107)
- JENKINS-54439 - Support configuration as code plugin Closed - JCasC compatibility (Pull #97)
- JENKINS-42755 - BFA fails to catch pipeline related exceptions Closed - Missing pipeline logs (Pull #103)
- JENKINS-54840 - UnsupportedOperationException getLogFile Closed - Stop calling get log file (Pull #106)
- Upgrade parent pom and checkstyle (Pull #98)
- JENKINS-57812 - Test connection doesn't work for mongo DB Closed - Fix test connection (Pull #102)
- JENKINS-55110 - BFA 1.21.0 fails to create a failure cause / scan jobs Closed - Fix deserialisation for mongo (Pull #105)
Version 1.23.0-beta-1 (released Jun 28, 2019)
- JENKINS-54439 - Support configuration as code plugin Closed - JCasC compatibility (Pull #97)
- JENKINS-42755 - BFA fails to catch pipeline related exceptions Closed - Missing pipeline logs (Pull #103)
- JENKINS-54840 - UnsupportedOperationException getLogFile Closed - Stop calling get log file (Pull #106)
- Upgrade parent pom and checkstyle (Pull #98)
- JENKINS-57812 - Test connection doesn't work for mongo DB Closed - Fix test connection (Pull #102)
- JENKINS-55110 - BFA 1.21.0 fails to create a failure cause / scan jobs Closed - Fix deserialisation for mongo (Pull #105)
Version 1.22.0 (released Feb 15, 2019)
- Add empty check to password (Pull #95) (Mongo Client regression)
- Add support for Token Macro
pipeline step (Pull #94)
Version 1.21.0 (released Dec 6, 2018)
- JENKINS-47882, JENKINS-45315), JENKINS-49140 - Upgrade mongo client to 3.x and jackson to 2.x (Pull #89)
- JENKINS-54839, JENKINS-54839) - Make match text work for PRs in multibranch github pipeline (Pull #93)
- Allow markup in no identified problems message (Pull #92)
- Escape regex special chars in project full name (Pull #88)
- JENKINS-52860 - Remove flow dependency (Pull #91)
- JENKINS-54439 - Upgrade Jenkins baseline (Pull #90)
Version 1.20.0 (released Jun 14, 2018)
- Moved to a slightly more modern minimum Jenkins core version (2.7.3) (Pull #81, #83)
- Display HTML for cause description in matrix (Pull #84)
- Improve support sorting "Never" on cause management page (Pull #86)
Version 1.19.1 (released Jan 8, 2018)
Version 1.19.0 (released May 5, 2017)
- Use fixed pool size, parse all single line matchers in one thread (Pull #57)
Version 1.18.1 (released Mar 7, 2017)
- Corrected JSON structure of RabbitMQ message (Pull #66)
Version 1.18.0 (released Feb 17, 2017)
- Added a FailureCauseProvider for the MQ Notifier plugin (Pull #64)
- JENKINS-41279 Fixed broken div wrapping (Pull #63)
- Better feedback to Gerrit when no FailureCauses are found for a build (Pull #61)
Version 1.17.2 (released Oct 21, 2016)
- JSON Serialization fix for MultiLineBuildLogIndication (Pull #59)
- Performance fix for MultiLineBuildLogIndication (Pull #59)
- Line break fix (Pull #58)
Version 1.17.1 (released Sep 5, 2016)
- Fix Gerrit feedback for nested builds (Pull #56)
- Introduced and separated out Renderer for report formatting (Pull #55)
- Escape single quote correctly (PR #54)
Version 1.17.0 (released Aug 17, 2016)
- Add configurable limit for log size to be scanned. (Pull #53)
Version 1.16.0 (released Jun 20, 2016)
- Refactored "Scan on demand" a.k. "Scan Options" page to fix an XSS vulnerability and increase it's performance. (#df74f8c)
Version 1.15.0 (released Apr 19, 2016)
- JENKINS-27123 Support for Pipeline Plugin and other non abstract builds. (Pull #52)
Version 1.14.0 (released Apr 5, 2016)
- Code quality fixes (Pulls: #43, #44, #45, #46, #47, #48, #49)
- Turned off auto-refresh on the cause management page. (Pull #50)
- Added option to ignore aborted builds. (Pull #51)
Version 1.13.5 (released Feb 17, 2016)
- Added build.displayName to stored statistics. (Pull #42)
Version 1.13.4 (released Feb 5, 2016)
- Some minor formatting fixes in UI strings. (Pull #40)
- Scanning-threads now gets the name of the indication and pattern currently being scanned for, for easier thread dump analysis. (Pull #41)
Version 1.13.3 (released Jan 5, 2016)
- JENKINS-25396 Prevent a breakage involving build-flow plugin. (Pull #39)
Version 1.13.2 (released Nov 25, 2015)
- Fixed a issue when testing expressions on build logs located in folders. (Pull #36)
Version 1.13.1 (released Sept 25, 2015)
- JENKINS-30643. (Pull #38)
- Small UI text fix (Pull #37)
Version 1.13.0 (released Apr 10, 2015)
- Add to build log if a known cause was found. (Pull #35)
- Noting (Pull # 34)
- Make error message readable on List View. (Pull #33)
Version 1.12.1 (released Jan 16, 2015)
- Found downstream builds fix. (Pull #27)
Version 1.12.0 (released Jan 15, 2015)
- JENKINS-24434 fix trim() usage. (Pull #29)
- Configurable anonymous access to the list of failure causes. (Pull #31)
- Having the token expand into some text when no failure cause is identified. (Pull #32)
Version 1.11.0 (released Nov 27, 2014)
- Failed Tests can be shown as failure causes, but not counted in the statistics (Pull #25)
- [UI] Added space between indication links. (Pull #26)
Version 1.10.3 (released Oct 13, 2014)
- One more fix for icons not correctly displayed (Pull #24)
Version 1.10.2 (released Oct 7, 2014)
- JENKINS-23409 Fixed correctly exporting FailureCauseDisplayData to the Http Api (Commit #96bf0ef)
Version 1.10.1 (released Sep 30, 2014)
- Fixed an issue reading a property from MongoDB (Commit #f3626c5)
Version 1.10.0 (released Sep 19, 2014)
- JENKINS-24059 Fixed NullPointerException on missing downstream project (pull #23)
- Added Modifications + LastOccurred as admin fields
- Placeholders in description (pull #20)
- JENKINS-17658 BUILD_FAILURE_ANALYZER TokenMacro (pull #22)
Version 1.9.1 (released Jun 25, 2014)
- "Failure Scan Options" is not hidden for users without build or configure permissions, it also hides when scanning is turned off.
Version 1.9.0 (released Jun 18, 2014)
- Statistics upstream link - added upstream link info to statistics.
- JENKINS-18518 Red highlights not showing when clicking on indications (pull #21)
- BuildFlow Dependencies And Nested Failure Causes in Gerrit (pull #18)
- Address multiline "Match Text" failure (pull #17)
Version 1.8.1 (released May 22, 2014)
- Address NPE in getNotScannedBuilds() (pull #16)
Version 1.8.0 (released May 19, 2014)
- Project page shows last build failure cause
- Failure Cause Management link hidden for projects with disabled scanning
Version 1.7.0 (released Apr 1, 2014)
- Multi line build log indications
- Optionally store statistics about successful builds
Version 1.6.0 (released Mar 10, 2014)
- Ability to re-scan non scanned builds (for new installations) and all builds for a project
- Graphs on projects, slaves and master(s) if using a statistics logging enabled knowledge base (like the MongoDB Knowledge base)
- Shows failure causes from downstream builds directly on the upstream build page.
- ListView column showing the failure cause of the last build, if there is one.
Version 1.5.1 (released Nov 19, 2013)
- Fixed an XSS vulnerability
Version 1.5.0 (released Apr 24, 2013)
New Features
- The found failure cause is exposed to the REST Api (jobX/1/api).
Version 1.4.1 (released Mar 14, 2013)
Bugs fixed
- JENKINS-16868 Icons are not displayed with a reverse proxy
Version 1.4.0 (released Feb 15, 2013)
New Features
- Possibility to test regexps on a build log
Bugs fixed
- Log annotation bugfixes.
- JENKINS-15948 Build Failure Analyzer icons aren't displayed if Jenkins isn't installed at root context.(again)
- JENKINS-15926 Build Failure Analyzer with Timestamper output ugly.(again)
- JENKINS-16596 Repeat/double loggin issue due to Build failure Analyzer.
- JENKINS-16104 Build Failure Analyzer: Ugly output from plugin.
- NPE fix when a slave is taken offline during a build.
- Fix for internal serialization of matrix aggregated indications.
- Small UI fix in failure cause management page.
Version 1.3.0 (released Dec 06, 2012)
New Features
- Possibility to test regexp on a line of text when editing BuildLogIndications
- Output from Build Failure Analyzer shown in normal console.
Bugs fixed
- JENKINS-15986 Cannot save job configuration pages on Jenkins 1.463 or newer.
- JENKINS-15948 Build Failure Analyzer icons aren't displayed if Jenkins isn't installed at root context.
- JENKINS-15926 Build Failure Analyzer with Timestamper output ugly.
- Updated Gerrit Trigger optional dependency: 2.7.0
Version 1.2.0 (released Nov 22, 2012)
Initial Release
Known issues
Breaks Job configuration pages on Jenkins 1.463 or newer
The problem we have seen is when loading configuration pages. We don't have a registered descriptor for our notifier,
hence, when the hetero-list for the post build actions is generated, an Exception is thrown.
bfa-buildpage.PNG (image/png)
bfa-buildlog.PNG (image/png)
bfa-newfailurecause.png (image/png)
bfa-newfailurecause.png (image/png)