Jenkins : BlazeMeter Plugin

Plugin Information

View BlazeMeter on the plugin site for more information.


This plugin allows you to load test your site using BlazeMeter. Jenkins will show a report generated by the test.
It includes the feature of setting the final build status as good, unstable or failed, based on the reported error percentage, and response time.

Installation & usage

Please, refer to plugin's wiki for further instructions. 


- support pipeline;

- support Job DSL;

- support remote agents;

- can download JUnit report after finishing test;

- can download JTL report after finishing test;

- can push JMeter properties for test;

- can push notes for test report;

- logs communication with BlazeMeter server to separate log file (this may simplify issue investigation) - <WORKSPACE>/<build #>/http-log;

- supports proxy server using built-in Jenkins functionality (Manage Jenkins -> Manage Plugins -> Advanced);


Using pipeline

Using Job DSL

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