Plugin Information |
View Bitbucket Push and Pull Request on the plugin site for more information. |
1) This plugin requires a Jenkins v2.138.2 or later and supports
- Bitbucket Cloud rest api v2.x+ and later
- Bitbucket Server 5.14+ and later
2) This plugin will not work if the previous Bitbucket plugin ( is installed.
3) warning: After updating the plugin from a version prior to the 2.x.x, the jobs with a pull request need to be reconfigured, reselecting once again, from the plugin conf. pane, the pull request event, that will trigger the build.
Plugin for Jenkins v2.138.2 or later, that triggers builds on Bitbucket's push and pull requests. It's based on the Sazo's fork ( of the official Bitbucket Plugin (
The new features introduced by Bitbucket Push and Pull Request are:
- improved support of pushs for Bitbucket Cloud (rest api v2.x+ with git and mercurial) and Bitbucket Server (5.14+ with git)
- support of pull requests for Bitbucket Cloud (rest api v2.x+ with git and mercurial) and Bitbucket Server (5.14+ with git)
- usage of Gson instead of net.sf.json.JSONObject (blacklisted starting from Jenkins 2.102+)
- Introduction of Models and security improvements
This plugin supports:
- push and pull requests for Bitbucket cloud rest api v2.x+ and later and for for Bitbucket server 5.14+ and later
Before you start...
Bitbucket Push And Pull Request Plugin will not work if the Bitbucket plugin ( is still installed. So, please de-install the previous Bitbucket plugin if you want to use this new one.
Configure the webhook
In case you are using Bitbucket Cloud, configure your Bitbucket repository adding a webhook in the settings page. In the URL field (see image, point A) add your JENKINS_URL followed by "/bitbucket-hook/" (for example "") Credentials for the webhook endpoint are not required, the trailing slash is mandatory. For more infos please consult the resource
If you are using Bitbucket Server, follow these instructions:
Configure your Jenkins job
1.a. Configure the Bitbucket Repository under the Source Code Management with your credentials. For git:
1.b. In case you are using Mercurial instead of git, configure it as follows:
Please note: the branch, related to the events which trigger the builds, must be specified in the field Revision.
2. Now activate the plugin in your job selecting the "Build with Bitbucket Push and Pull Request Plugin" option in the Build Triggers pane.
Environment variables
Environment variables for Bitbucket Cloud and Server pull requests
BITBUCKET_PAYLOAD | payload as json string |
Environment variables for Bitbucket Cloud pushs
REPOSITORY_LINK | branch (Deprecated. It will be removed) |
BITBUCKET_PAYLOAD | payload as json string |
Code snippets
job('example-pull-request-created') { triggers{ bitbucketPullRequestCreatedAction() } scm { git { remote { url("") } } } steps { shell('echo START pull request created') } } job('example-pull-request-updated') { triggers{ bitbucketPullRequestUpdatedAction() } scm { git { remote { url("") } } } steps { shell('echo START pull request updated') } } // bitbucketPullRequestApprovedAction(boolean onlyIfReviewersApproved) job('example-pull-request-approved') { triggers{ bitbucketPullRequestApprovedAction(false) } scm { git { remote { url("") } } } steps { shell('echo START pull request approved') } } // bitbucketRepositoryPushAction(boolean triggerAlsoIfTagPush, String allowedBranches) job('example-push') { triggers{ bitbucketRepositoryPushAction(false, "") } scm { git { remote { url("") } } } steps { shell('echo START push') } }
properties([ pipelineTriggers([ [ $class: 'BitBucketPPRTrigger', triggers : [ [ $class: 'BitBucketPPRPullRequestTriggerFilter', actionFilter: [ $class: 'BitBucketPPRPullRequestCreatedActionFilter' ] ] ] ] ]) ]) node { def sourceBranch = "" def targetBranch = "" try{ sourceBranch = "${BITBUCKET_SOURCE_BRANCH}"; targetBranch = "${BITBUCKET_TARGET_BRANCH}"; }catch(e){} if(sourceBranch == ""){ sourceBranch = 'development' } if(targetBranch == ""){ targetBranch = 'master' } checkout changelog: true, poll: true, scm: [ $class: 'GitSCM', branches: [ [name: '*/'+sourceBranch] ], doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false, extensions: [ [ $class: 'PreBuildMerge', options: [ fastForwardMode: 'FF', mergeRemote: 'origin', mergeStrategy: 'recursive', mergeTarget: ''+targetBranch ] ] ], submoduleCfg: [], userRemoteConfigs: [ [ url: 'https://[user][org]/[repo].git'] ] ] echo 'Some build steps' }
Change Log
2.2.0 (2019-10-14)
Implemented enhancements:
- Added checkbox to define if changes on the repos have to be confirmed through the git plugin before starting a job triggered by a push
- Added pull request support for Mercurial on Bitbucket Cloud
Merged pull requests:
- #60 change pull request #59 and reformatting by cdelmonte-zg
- #59 adding logic to trigger target branch on merge by raghav-a
- #58 an option for repository hasChange() conditional behaviour by cdelmonte-z
- #55 workflows: implement isPipelineMultibranch check by macghriogair
- #51 Job DSL multiple triggers by rhotau
- #50 Support for multiple triggers from dsl by rhotau
2.0.0 (2019-06-25)
Implemented enhancements:
- Added pull request support for Bitbucket Server - Added pull request support for Mercurial on Bitbucket Cloud
Closed issues:
- Issue #44 Branch expression matching before triggering the build: expecting fix for Bitbucket Server bug
- Issue #37 Jenkins build triggered from push event with Mercurial instead of git enhancement
Merged pull requests:
- #49 Add warnings
- #48 [Enhancement] Add pull request support for Bitbucket Server and Mercurial on Bitbucket Cloud
1.6.4 (2019-06-19)
Closed issues:
- Issue #38 BITBUCKETSOURCEBRANCH has wrong value for repo:push events
- Issue #36 Branch expression matching before triggering the build
Merged pull requests:
- [fix] #47 Develop
- [fix] #46 Improving tests for allowed branches
- [fix] #45 Develop
1.6.3 (2019-06-14)
Closed issues:
- Issue #36 Branch expression matching before triggering the build
- Issue #30 Version 1.6.2 throws exception after receiving PR payload bug
- Issue #27 Builds not triggering with 1.6.1 and Bitbucket Server 7.0.1 bug
- Issue #26 Add environment variable for git repository url
Merged pull requests:
- [fix] #41 BranchSpec pattern matching directions (by macghriogair)
- [enhancement] #34 Create (by eiriarte-mendez)
1.6.2 (2019-05-10)
Closed issues:
- Issue #27 Builds not triggering with 1.6.1 and Bitbucket Server 7.0.1 bug
Merged pull requests:
- [Bug] #27 Builds not triggering with 1.6.1 and Bitbucket Server 7.0.1 #28
1.6.1 (2019-05-08)
Implemented enhancements:
- added more enviroment variables and improved the documentation abotu them
Closed issues:
- Improvements#24 Add environment variable for pull request id
- Issue#19 Webhook not triggering
- Improvements#11 BITBUCKET_SOURCE_BRANCH is not injected for SCM poll
Merged pull requests:
- [develop] Enhance environment variables #25
1.6.0 (2019-04-29)
Implemented enhancements:
- split methods of io.jenkins.plugins.bitbucketpushandpullrequest.BitBucketPPRJobProbe to allow unit tests
Closed issues:
- Improvements#20 Add trigger for pull request merged
- Improvements#14 Pattern for allowed branches
- Improvements#5 Improve support for BitBucket Server push
Merged pull requests:
- [develop] Remove deprecated username field from payload #17 by macghriogair
- [develop] add support for pattern matching on branches #18 by macghriogair
- [develop] Add support for merged pull requests #21 by cdelmonte-zg
1.5.0 (2019-04-11)
Implemented enhancements:
- split methods of io.jenkins.plugins.bitbucketpushandpullrequest.BitBucketPPRJobProbe to allow unit tests
Closed issues:
- Improvements#10 add ssh uri matching for git clone
- Improvements#12 No change-logs or description of features
- Improvements#5 Improve support for BitBucket Server push
Merged pull requests:
- [dev] gitignore more project specific entries #13 by macghriogair
Key | Summary | T | Created | Updated | Due | Assignee | Reporter | P | Status | Resolution |
JENKINS-60602 | Bitbucket integration with Jenkins | Dec 29, 2019 | Jan 15, 2020 | Christian Del Monte | Alex Martynenko | Reopened | Unresolved | |||
JENKINS-60418 | issue of Integration webhook with bitbucket when using bitbucket pull and push plugin | Dec 10, 2019 | Jan 13, 2020 | Christian Del Monte | vikas goyal | Closed | Cannot Reproduce | |||
JENKINS-60032 | issue with bitbucket pull and push request plugin | Nov 04, 2019 | Dec 03, 2020 | Christian Del Monte | vikas goyal | Resolved | Fixed | |||
JENKINS-58607 | Problem configuring BitBucket Push and Pull Request Plugin | Jul 22, 2019 | Jan 13, 2020 | Christian Del Monte | Renat Kabirov | Closed | Not A Defect | |||
JENKINS-55896 | Jenkins is not triggering build on any pullrequest created in bitbucket repo | Jan 31, 2019 | Jun 20, 2019 | Christian Del Monte | Hassaan Sohail | Closed | Fixed | |||
Screenshot_push-and-pull-request.png (image/png)
Screenshot_push-and-pull-request-2.png (image/png)
Screenshot_2019-05-02.png (image/png)
Screenshot_2019-06-19 pipeline nofilter push mercurial cloud bitbucket Config [Jenkins].png (image/png)
Screenshot_2019-06-19 pipeline filter push cloud bitbucket Config [Jenkins](1).png (image/png)