jenkins-plugin-info:AppOrbit Actions
This Plugin is used to perform AppOrbit specific tasks like Publish, Deploy, Snapshot, Clone and Delete.
With this plugin you can do following tasks.
This is the prerequisite that needs to be done before performing any action.
Specify "AppOrbit Host Url" and select your appropriate host credentials. If not added then add them using "Add" button and click on "Test Connection" button. This will load the projects from your host. Select the appropriate project in which you want to perform action. Click on "Get Project Details" to fetch the respective project data.
Publish :
This task takes Application template yaml file(path/name) as a input and publishes it to your respective AppOrbit setup. This step will expose BLUEPRINT_ID as environment variable.
To publish the application tempalate first complete the steps as explained in Prerequisites and specify your application template yaml file path or name. Keep this as blank to use APP_TEMPLATE_FILE environment variable.Deploy
This task takes Applcation template(Blueprint), Application name and Destination cluster as input. It will create the application in respective specified AppOrbit host and will deploy the application. You can even choose to deploy the application with Data-Templates which are associated with the Blueprint/Application Template. This step will expose APPLICATION_ID and APPLICATION_ENDPOINTS as environment variables.APPLICATION_ENDPOINTS would be exposed in this format ["url1", "url2",...].
To perform this task complete the Prerequisites and select "Deploy". Fill the required details.Snapsot:
This task is used to take snapshot of your application. To do this task perform the prerequisites and select Snap option. Select Application ID and give the unique snapshot name. This step will expose SNAPSHOT_ID as environment variable.
Clone from Snapshot:
This task creates a clone from your snapshot. To do this task perform the prerequisites and select Clone from snap option. Select Snapshot and specify unique name for clone. This step will expose APPLICATION_ID and APPLICATION_ENDPOINTS as environment variable. APPLICATION_ENDPOINTS would be exposed in this format ["url1", "url2",..].
Clone from Application:
This task creates a clone of your apllication. To do this task perform the prerequisites and select Clone from app option. Select application and provide unique name for clone. This step will expose APPLICATION_ID and APPLICATION_ENDPOINTS as environment variable. APPLICATION_ENDPOINTS would be exposed in this format ["url1", "url2",..].
This task gives option to delete:
1) Application Tempalte(Blueprint): Deletes application template from specified AppOrbit host.
2) Application: Deletes entire application from specified AppOrbit host.
3) Snapshot: Deleted snapshot of application from specified Apporbit host.
To do this task perform the prerequisites and select Delete option. (Note:You can delete multiple things)
publish.jpg (image/jpeg)
deploy.jpg (image/jpeg)
snapshot.jpg (image/jpeg)
clonesnap.jpg (image/jpeg)
cloneapp.png (image/png)
delete.jpg (image/jpeg)