Type Parameters: D - Represents the descriptor type. This is Descriptor<T> normally but often there are subtypes of descriptors, like ViewDescriptor ...
These scripts are written in Groovy, and get executed inside the same JVM as Jenkins, allowing full access to the domain model of Jenkins.
Base Descriptor type used for XyzProperty classes. Since: 1.305; Author: Kohsuke Kawaguchi. Nested ...
d/*.groovy. Scripts inside /WEB-INF is meant for OEM distributions of Jenkins ... d allows configuration management tools to control scripts easily. Author ...
May 4, 2023 · I am trying to create views programmatically when a Jenkins instance starts up. We have a very automated cattle approach to our instances, ...
Beginning with Jenkins 2.332.1 and Jenkins 2.335, the Linux package installers use systemd to manage services. The RPM and deb package installers migrate ...
D ... Deprecated. Deletes all the log files, including rotated files. ... Deprecated. Performs a Diffie-Hellman key exchange and produce a common secret between two ...
Persisted list of Describable s with some operations specific to Descriptor s. This class allows multiple instances of the same descriptor.
Feb 7, 2022 · just use multiple d statements. curl -d 'param1=value' -d 'param2=value' etc. Also watch out for double evaluation inside double quotes, if ...