Plugin Information |
View Violations on the plugin site for more information. |
This plug-in generates reports static code violation detectors such as checkstyle, pmd, cpd, findbugs, codenarc, fxcop, stylecop and simian.
This plugin is no longer maintained, you may want to use the Warnings Plugin:
Note: Since version 0.6.0 the violations plugin works with the jenkins maven2 project type..
The violations plug-in scans for violation xml files of particular types in the build workspace, gathers the violations and reports on the numbers for each type. The currently supported types are:
type |
url |
version |
maintainer |
notes |
checkstyle |
4.2 |
pmd |
4.0 |
cpd |
4.0 |
findbugs |
1.3.3rc2 |
There are some issues with the maven plugin of findbugs - one needs to set the sourcepath field and it also appears that some violations are reported against incorrect files. |
3.4.2 |
A findbugs plugin |
pylint |
redsolo |
fxcop |
1.35+ |
redsolo |
stylecop |
4.2+ |
redsolo |
simian |
redsolo |
gendarme |
jslint |
jcreport |
pep8 |
ok |
codenarc |
perlcritic |
Note: the following snapshots are from version 0.4, version 0.7 is similar (with pylint, fxcop, stylecop, simian and gendarme added).
Configuration should be easy, First you need to have activate the static code analysizers in your build. Then activate the Violations plugin as shown below.
The fields are:
name |
description |
Per file display limit |
This is used to limit the number of violations displayed per file per violation type. |
type |
The violation type. |
sun icon |
This is the lowest number of violations of this type to generate the sunny weather report. For example the value 10 means that violations 0 to 10 will cause a sunny report, 11 and higher will be cloudy or worse. |
stormy icon |
The is the lowest number of violations of this type to generate the stormy weather report. |
XML filename pattern |
This is an ant type pattern to match violation files of this type in the workspace. Multiple patterns may be separated by commas. |
Source Path Pattern |
This is an optional field. It is used to resolve classnames to source file names. It is only currently used by the findbugs violations type. |
Faux Project Path |
This is an optional field. It is used if you just want to run jenkins as a reporting engine for a project not in jenkins workspace. For example, the violations plugin has a jenkins job that cd's to the cvs directory, creates the checkstyle, pmd and cpd reports and the invokes violations plugin with the faux project path set to (PATH TO CVS DIR)/plugins/violations. |
After configuration, the Violations plugin will collect violations from the next build. The following pages are created or modified.
Project Page
The project page is modified to add a violation icon (
) and a violation trend graph:
Clicking on the violations link brings one to the current violations report.
Build page
The build page also has the violations trend and the violations icon. Clinking on the violations link brings one to the violations report for this particular build.
Violations report page
Note the following snapshots are from 0.4, 0.7 is similar, except that the +/- notation has been removed.
The start of the violations report page looks like this:
For each violation type a trend and file summary is shown as follows:
The order of the table can be changed by clinking on the column header.
Per File Report
Linking on the file link brings on to the file report. This will show all the violations (up to a limit specified in the config page) of a file, Each violation has a line number, an icon representing the severity and a description of the violation. Hovering over the icon will give more detail on the violation - and for findbugs, this will be the long detailed message. After the list of violations, snipets from the source file will be shown for each violation. This will only happen if the violations plugin can find the file in question.
Hovering over the violations icon on the highlighted line will cause a pop-up of the violations on the line:
Version History
Version 0.7.11:
- Added perlcritic support.
- Fixed XSS scripting vulnerabilities
Version 0.7.10:
- Added cpplint support.
Version 0.7.9:
- Fixed paths with native multi m2 projects:
Version 0.7.8:
- Moved over to jenkins and git
Version 0.7.7: upcoming
- Fixed an absolute path handling in the violations report (JENKINS-3529)
Version 0.7.6: Aug 01, 2010
- Add JSLint support
- Add JcReport support
Version 0.7.5: Dec 29, 2009
- Add Gendarme support
- Update uses of deprecated APIs
Version 0.7.3: Feb 11, 2009
- Bugfix: fix npe in m2 reporting - JENKINS-2174
Version 0.7.1: August 25, 2008
- Bugfix: updated support for stylecop v4.3 JENKINS-2242
Version 0.7.0: May 28, 2008
- Enhancement: add support for stylecop
Version 0.6.0: May 5, 2008
- Enhancement: add support for M2 job type
- Enhancement: support for setting the build to unstable if the number of violations
of a certain type exceed a threshold.
Version 0.5.8 April 22, 2008
- Enhancement: add simian violations
Version 0.5.7 April 16, 2008
- Bugfix(1550): fix for invalid decoding of some cpd.xml files
- Bugfix(1558): fix for missing dependence on xpp3
Version 0.5.6 April 8, 2008
- Bugfix(1129): fix for .. in paths in checkstyle reports
Version 0.5.5 March 30, 2008
- Bugfix(1281) pmd priorities were incorrect
- Bugfix(1217) reading of xml files used incorect character encoding
- Feature(1217) allow user to specify encoding of source files
- Feature readin in fb-contrib findbugs descriptions
- Bugfix: fix of
Version 0.5.4 Feb 25 2008 - Bugfix: Fix so pylint errors are marked as errors.
Version 0.5.3 Oct 22 2007
- Bugfix: Fix for cpd on dos
Version 0.5.2 Oct 10 2007
- Bugfix: Fix a bug where the filename is an absolute dos type name (Brian Dueck)
Version 0.5.1 Sep 28 2007
- Bugfix: remove use of a jdk6 constructor
Version 0.5 Sep 24 2007
- Bugfix: fix serialization with slaves
- Enhancement: add fxcop and pylint violations (Erik Ramfelt)
- Enhancement: allow non xml report files
- Enhancement:: change +/- to use colors
Version 0.4 Aug 15 2007
- Bugfix: fix handling of findbugs for files without debug info JENKINS-722
- Enhancement: show severity levels
- Enhancement: provide trend graph for severity levels on the report page
- Enhancement: add detail hover for findbugs on the file page
- Enhancement: add +- changes on the report and build pages.
- Enhancement: make the file list table sortable.
Version 0.3 Aug 10 2007
- Bugfixe: fix NPEs when reading findbugs violation files
- Bugfix: in getting the sourcelines from findbugs violation files
- Enhancement: allow user to optionally specify a source path pattern to resolve classes (used by the findbugs parser)
- Enhancement:: allow user to optionally specify a different project path for resolving file names.
Version 0.2 Aug 08 2007
- Bug fix for maven findbugs plugin
Version 0.1 Aug 08 2007
- Initial release