Jenkins : TestFairy Plugin

Plugin Information

View TestFairy on the plugin site for more information.

Older versions of this plugin may not be safe to use. Please review the following warnings before using an older version:

This plugin helps you to upload Android APKs or iOS IPA files to

How to use

Select TestFairy iOS/Android Uploader from Add post-build action menu


Job Configuration:

* The API Key can be found in your account settings   

To make sure Jenkins also uploads your iOS dSYMs to TestFairy, configure the Xcode that builds the app on the Jenkins server to run a special script. Follow these instructions.

The resulted TestFairy links will be listed in the console output

Important for Advanced Uploader only: 
  • You should configure the "Path To Keystore file" and the corresponding storepass alias.
  • You should configure "TestFairy Android Environment" on http://localhost:8080/configure for example:

Custom changelog

In order to add your own changelog or comments, please create a text file in the following location: $JENKINS_HOME/jobs/$JOB_NAME/builds/$BUILD_ID/testfairy_change_log

The content of this file will override the default changelog.

Private Cloud / On-Premise support 

In case you are using our Private Cloud or On-Premise product

please define an TESTFAIRY_UPLOADER_SERVER environment variable.
You can do it by going to Manage Jenkins => Configure

Under section Global Properties, check Environment variables checkbox. Now Jenkins allow us to add key and value pairs.

The name should be TESTFAIRY_UPLOADER_SERVER and the value will be your server domain.

The following line should be printed at your next job console output: 
"The server will be"


This plugin was developed and open sourced by TestFairy


The past plugin was developed by 3Pillar Global