Plugin Information |
View Skype notifier on the plugin site for more information. |
Integrates Jenkins with Skype for instant messaging. Requires extra manual installation steps!!!
Note that you also need to install the instant-messaging plugin.
This plugin enables Jenkins to send build notifications via Skype, and to talk to Jenkins via a 'bot' to run commands, query build status etc..
Installation Requirements
Follow the steps below
This plugin needs the Instant Messaging Plugin. Please ensure that the latest version of this plug-in is also installed.This plugin requires special hudson setup to work.
How to get it running
This plugin requires a running skype and uses JNI so it will take some configuration to work. Currently tested on Windows Server 2003 and CentOS 5.5
- Skype must be running as the same user as a hudson slave/master
- If running hudson on a 64bit JDK you must add a windows/linux slave running on a 32bit jdk
- The slave must have a "skype" label
- Check the logs to see if it connects ok to skype
- If it connects ok, then you must allow the java plugin to connect with skype
- Add skypeid to all users in hudson
- Good luck
The is build for CentOS 5.5
I used the static version of skype, but I guess other versions will work also.If you run the slave/master as a windows service it will fail to connect with skype
Node startup script for linux
Must either have a running console or use vncserver on display :1 (logon to the vnc/console to accepts the jenkins plugin in skype)
Also copy the skype executable to the slave home folder
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/32bit/jdk1.6.0_24 export DISPLAY=:1 killall skype killall $JAVA_HOME/bin/java /usr/bin/ cd /work/skypeslave name=$(hostname -f) wget -N -nd --progress=dot:mega http://${name}:8080/jnlpJars/slave.jar $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -jar /work/skypeslave/slave.jar -jnlpUrl http://${name}/computer/skype/slave-agent.jnlp
Skype on CentOS
Version 1.1 (May 14, 2011)
- Bot commands are now supported.
- Groups are now supported, prefix groups with a *