Plugin Information |
View Selenium Capability Axis on the plugin site for more information. |
Creates an axis based on a local Selenium grid and also build against the SauceLabs Selenium capability at the same time.
Both components rebuild before each build to take advantage of any new capabilities.
The Selenium grid uses all capabilities available and the SauceLab one a random subset, which can be configured or disabled.
No Sauce Labs Free Plan
All Sauce Labs plans now require a monthly payment, rather than the option of a free limited time plan when I developed this.
It does this by creating four environment variables to pass to the build phase.
- LABEL_URL for either the local Selenium or SauceLabs
- LABEL_BROWSER for the browser (e.g. chrome, firefox)
- LABEL_PLATFORM for the platform (e.g. LINUX, VISTA)
- LABEL_VERSION for the browser version
You can use any label you want for the axis, so long as all the axes are unique.
This is an example test in Perl which can be run as a build step
use Test::More tests=>8; use_ok 'Selenium::Remote::Driver'; ok $ENV{TEST_BROWSER}, "Browser name set"; ok $ENV{TEST_PLATFORM}, "Platform name set"; ok $ENV{TEST_VERSION}, "Version name set"; ok $ENV{TEST_URL}, "URL set"; my $browser = $ENV{TEST_BROWSER}; my $platform = $ENV{TEST_PLATFORM}; my $version = $ENV{TEST_VERSION}; my $url = $ENV{TEST_URL}; #so perl likes the selenium url not to have http:// on the front #for SauceLabs this will be user:password@ which is set in the global config $url =~ s|^http://||; my $parms = [remote_server_addr=>$url ]; push @$parms, (platform => $platform) unless $platform eq 'Any'; push @$parms, (browser_name => $browser) unless $browser eq 'Any'; push @$parms, (version => $version) unless $version eq 'Any'; push @$parms, (extra_capabilities => {name => $ENV{BUILD_TAG}||$0 }); use Data::Dumper; print Dumper ($parms); my $driver = new_ok('Selenium::Remote::Driver' => $parms); ok $driver->get(''); is $driver->get_title(), 'Google'; $driver->quit();
For Selenium it will detect the capabilities and display them.
For SauceLabs it will pick some at random from the available.
Both will be rebuilt at build time so new capabilities are incorporated without revisiting the project.
I would advise using the Mask Passwords Plugin to mask passwords in the console log.
You will need a SauceLabs account to use the SauceLabs part. If you don't want this then you can turn it off in the global config.
Global Settings
The Selenium Hub location defaults to http://localhost:4444
The SauceLabs URLS (one for the capabilities and the other for the remote hub) are configured. These are here just in case SauceLabs change their interface.
The SauceLabs username and password will be used for all axis set in the jobs but these can be overridden in individual jobs.
Turning off Saucelabs will disable any SauceLabs components in all jobs, except any manually added components.
Job Configuration
The SauceLabs user details can be added on a job by job basis.
Individual capabilities can be added, these can be either for the local hub or for SauceLabs.
SauceLabs capabilities can be limited to latest browsers, web browsers or all and the number of points limited.
You can filter based on a groovy script. The script uses a list of already added capabilities (selected) and the next to add (current).
The filter should return true to include this capability, or false to ignore it. The capabilities are randomized before selection and if the criteria is too restrictive you may not end up with all the points you want.
The standard filter used is - The import is required
import org.jenkinsci.plugins.Levenshtien def different = true selected.any { if (Levenshtien.distance(current.toString(), it.toString()) < 12) { different = false true } } return different
Which will look for capabilities which are different by 12 edits.
The properties on selected and current are
- browserName
- platformName
- browserVersion
toString() will return the axis value as a 4 part string
An alternative filters could be
Which would restrict the capabilities to only chrome browsers.
The Test button will check your filter and return an example of what could be expected.
SauceLabs is available here
This plugin is not supported or endorsed by SauceLabs.
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