Jenkins : SQLPlus Script Runner Plugin

Plugin Information

View SQLPlus Script Runner on the plugin site for more information.

Older versions of this plugin may not be safe to use. Please review the following warnings before using an older version:

This plugin enables you run Oracle SQL*Plus scripts on your Jenkins jobs (user defined scripts or a script inside a workspace).


  • 1.x - For Jenkins 1.x
  • 2.x - For mainly Jenkins 2.x, credentials plugins implemented and pipeline support

Migration Guide

To migrate your workspace from version 2 is very simple, all you need to do is:

  1. Create a credential for your user and password;
  2. Edit you job configuration and select one credential;
  3. Save your changes and you are good to go!


This plugin enables you run Oracle SQL*Plus scripts on your Jenkins jobs ( Oracle SQL*Plus installation required! ).



All you have to do is check the auto detect ORACLE_HOME option ( or a valid ORACLE_HOME ) and you are in business:

If you are having problems try to enable Debug info to see what is going on.

By Job

You can run a script inside your workspace or a user defined for every job:

Version 1.x:


Version 2.x :

Environment variables

Pay attention to what version you are using in order to work with variables:

variableVersion 1.xVersion 2.x
user  okreplaced by credentials
password okreplaced by credentials

You can use global variables for user and instance, first creating it in Jenkinsconfiguration :

You user global variable can hold username and password as well like this (username/password):

And then using it:


You can check later all SQL*Plus output inside your build output:


User defined script

node {
   echo 'SQLPlusRunner running user define script for system@xe'
 step([$class: 'SQLPlusRunnerBuilder',credentialsId:'system', 
instance:'xe',scriptType:'userDefined', script: '',scriptContent: 
'select * from v$version'])

File script

node {
   echo 'SQLPlusRunner running file script for system@xe'
 step([$class: 'SQLPlusRunnerBuilder',credentialsId:'system', 
instance:'xe',scriptType:'file', script: 'start.sql',scriptContent: ''])

Optional pipeline parameters

  • customOracleHome
  • customSQLPlusHome
  • customTNSAdmin

Download the last release and give it a try!

Reported problems

my script takes forever to execute...

Windows users sometimes get a running script stuck on build, even though they run everything on Oracle.

In that case you should use Build Time Out plugin together to get everything working fine.

I have an error ORA-????

You should try running manually SQL*Plus before use Jenkins.

Sometimes on Linux Jenkins has his own Operation System user with his own variables.

Every time I get this error: cannot find sqlplus

Jenkins plugin can't find SQL*Plus executable file.

You should do in this order:

  1. Stop Jenkins;
  2. Find where are sqlplus executable file (usually at $ORACLE_HOME);
  3. Check if they have proper permissions (chmod 755 *);
  4. Create a global environment variable ORACLE_HOME like this:
    export ORACLE_HOME=/oracle/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1/    or   export ORACLE_HOME=<your-sqlplus-directory>

  5. Test your environment with:  sqlplus -v    , should return SQL*Plus version like SQL*Plus: Release Production

  6. Start Jenkins;

  7. Use the try to detect ORACLE_HOME option;

  8. Retry your SQL*Plus operation.

Every time I get this error: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory or SP2-0667: Message file sp1.msb not found

SQL*Plus need its library and its message file to work properly.

You should do in this order:

  1. Stop Jenkins;
  2. Find where are files (usually at $ORACLE_HOME\lib );
  3. Check if they have proper permissions (chmod 755 *);
  4. Create a global environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH like this:
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH    or   export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<your-libsqlplus-directory>:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

  5. Test your environment with:  sqlplus -v    , should return SQL*Plus version like SQL*Plus: Release Production

  6. Start Jenkins;

  7. Use the try to detect ORACLE_HOME option;

  8. Retry your SQL*Plus operation.

I want to hide my user / password from Console Output

  1. Install Mask Passwords Plugin;

  2. Setup to hide everything you want.

I have a bug to report

Please open a new issue and inform:

  • Jenkins server Operation System;
  • Jenkins version ;
  • Where SQLPlus Script Runner is running (local machine or slave machine);
  • Slave machine Operation System (if applicable);
  • Oracle Database version;
  • Oracle SQL*Plus version;
  • Build log with debug info enabled.



main-setup.png (image/png)
setup-by-project.png (image/png)
script-running.png (image/png)
global-setup.png (image/png)
custom-setup.png (image/png)
COB.PNG (image/png)
COB.PNG (image/png)
COB.PNG (image/png)
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image2017-6-5 13:0:7.png (image/png)
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global-var2.png (image/png)
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main-setup.png (image/png)