Jenkins : PureCM Plugin

This plugin allows you to use PureCM as a SCM.

Plugin Information

No information for the plugin 'purecm' is available. It may have been removed from distribution.

Configuring the PureCM Plugin

You first need to install the purecm client on the Jenkins server. You then need to install the PureCM plugin within Jenkins.

Configuring the PureCM Server Settings

The Jenkins plugin uses the PureCM command line tool - pcm. After installing the PureCM Client this should put on the path. By default, Jenkins will use the command 'pcm' so you do not need to update the PureCM Server Settings.

If you have multiple versions of PureCM installed or have modified the location of PureCM then you need to tell Jenkins which pcm to use. To do this go to 'Manage Jenkins | Configure System'. Under the PureCM heading there is a field for 'Commadn line executable' where you can enter the path to the pcm executable.

Configuring a Job to Use PureCM

In the Job Configuration screen there is a section for Source Code Management. If PureCM is correctly configured then it will appear as one of the options. Select PureCM to reveal the following options:


This should include the name of the Repository containing the stream.


This will be the full path of the stream being used for this job. For example this might be 'Project 1\Version 1\Version 1'.

This is the stream path rather than version path. To get the stream path for a version open the PureCM GUI, open the properties for the version and go to the streams page.

Clean Copy

If this is selected then every build will delete the old workspace and create a new workspace. In almost all circumstances this will not be necessary and updating the existing workspace will suffice. Obviously this will have big performance implications if the workspace is large.