Praqma is a Danish software consultancy company. We are continuous delivery experts, specialized in helping other software development teams.
Our name depicts the fact, that we have a very pragmatic approach to software development.
Jenkins is one of our favorite tools of the trade, and we use it extensively on a daily basis in the tasks we solve for our customers and partners.
We actively support the Jenkins CI community be developing plugins to Jenkins - on behalf of others. When someone needs a specific plugin for at task we offer to step in and develop it - and release it to the Jenkins CI community. As Open Source of course.
Currently we have devloped the following plugins:
- ClearCase UCM Plugin (Grundfos, Novo Nordisk, Pelagicore, Jaguar/Landrover)
- Logging Plugin (Grundfos, Programming Research)
- MonKit Plugin (Grundfos, Novo Nordisk)
- DrMemory Plugin (ATP)
- Config Rotator Plugin (Grundfos)
- PRQA Plugin (Programming Research)
- Matrix Reloaded Plugin (Sony Mobile - formerly known as Sony Ericsson)
- Memory Map Plugin (YXLON International)
We constantly have new plugins under development. Right now we are working on the following plugins:
- Rational RQM plugin (Grundfos). A Jenkins integration to Rational Quality Manager.
We host a few Jenkins events around the year. This year we host
- Jenkins CI User Event, a yearly event that takes place in September. This year the event will take place September 6th 2013 in Hellerup. Read more about it here: Jenkins CI User Event
- Jenkins CI Code Camp. This year the event will take place September 5th at Praqma Plex in Allerød. Read more about the event here: Jenkins CI Code Camp.
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