Jenkins : MicroNova EXAM Plugin

Plugin Information

View MicroNova EXAM on the plugin site for more information.

This plugin integrates the RESTapi of the Testautomation tool EXAM for automated test execution. MicroNova EXAM Plugin is available for download at

EXAM is a graphical test development tool. EXAM defines a comprehensive methodology based on UML to represent, implement and evaluate test cases. It enables you to graphically model test processes in sequence diagrams without programming knowledge. EXAM thus provides a uniform language for the representation of test events. EXAM is suitable for use in Hardware-in-the-Loop simulation (HiL), test bench automation and industrial automation as well as in embedded development and Software-in-the-Loop simulation (SiL).

Table of contents


  • EXAM
    • EXAM 4.4/4.6/4.7
    • RESTapi Plugin for EXAM
  • Jenkins-Plugins
    • shiningpanda
    • workflow-step-api


Global Tool Configuration

For this plugin to be used, an Ant installation must be specified in the global Jenkins configuration

System Configuration

Rest api PortPort for the communication with the EXAM RESTapi
License Server Hosthost name of the license server
License Server Portport name of the license server
 EXAM Model Connection
NameIdentifier of this connection, which can be selected at the build step
Model NameName of the model known at the EXAM application server
EXAM versionThe major and minor version number of EXAM
Target Endpointurl of the EXAM application server
EXAM Report Connection
NameIdentifier of this connection, which can be selected at the build step
DB TypeSupported types are Oracle and PostgreSQL
Service/SIDOnly needed, when Oracle is choosen as DB Type.

Job Configuration

The EXAM plugin provides 3 build steps.

  1. Clear EXAM target (use this to clear all junit formated reports bevor invoking an EXAM test)

  2. Invoke EXAM model (invoke an EXAM test with a connection to a EXAM model)

    EXAM VersionChoose a configured EXAM installation.
    ModelChoose a configured Model Connection.
    ModelConfigurationThe UUID of the ModelConfiguration, if the used EXAM Version is 4.6 or newer with active versioning
    delete projectIf selected, the synchronized python code of the choosen model will be deleted at the beginning.
    Python VersionChoose a configured Python installation.
    test objectUse the UUID, ID or full scoped name of a TestSuite or TestCampaign from the EXAM model.
    SystemConfigurationUse the UUID, ID or full scoped name of the system configuration from the EXAM model.
    configure Testrun FiltersDefine filter constraints for the given attribute names.
    configure loggingA log file is generated automatically during each test run. You can influence the amount of output that gets logged over the LogLevel.
    ReportsChoose a configured Report Connection. If you choose "NO REPORT", no report will be written to a database. Conversion of EXAM Reports to junit report format will be done in any case.
    report prefixSets a prefix on the report name.
    create pdf reportIf selected, the report will be exported to a pdf document.

  3. Invoke EXAM execution file (invoke an EXAM test with an exported execution file)

    EXAM VersionChoose a configured EXAM installation.
    Python VersionChoose a configured Python installation.
    PCode PathPath to pCode directory containing the generated code required by the execution file.
    Execution FilePath to the EXAM execution file exported from TestRunner.
    SystemConfigurationSets the default system configuration. For EXAM, use the UUID and the name of the system configuration from the EXAM model, e.g. "61b56acdbe4247a9e04400144f6890f0 English_EXAM_System"
    configure Testrun FiltersDefine filter constraints for the given Attribute names.
    configure loggingA log file is generated automatically during each test run. You can influence the amount of output that gets logged over the LogLevel.
    ReportsChoose a configured Report Connection. If you choose "NO REPORT", no report will be written to a database. Conversion of EXAM Reports to junit report format will be done in any case.
    report prefixSets a prefix on the report name.
    create pdf reportIf selected, the report will be exported to a pdf document.

Junit Report format

The EXAM reports are converted to standard junit format. To show the result at Jenkins add a junit report step with the following expression:

junit 'target/test-reports/**/*.xml'


Release 1.0.0