Plugin Information |
View Katalon TestOps on the plugin site for more information. |
Katalon Plugin
This plugin will help download, deploy, and execute Katalon Studio on Jenkins servers automatically.
How to use Katalon plugin for Jenkins on Windows.
How to use Katalon plugin for Jenkins on Ubuntu.
Install the plugin.
Go to project Configure > Build > Add build step > Execute Katalon Studio Tests.
Provide the Katalon Studio version to be downloaded and the command arguments for executing the tests. If you have installed Katalon Studio yourself, please provide its location in Use pre-installed Katalon Studio.
Save the configuration.
Publish the JUnit reports
Go to Add post-build action > Publish JUnit test result report.
Set the value Test report XMLs to Reports/**/JUnit_Report.xml.
Latest Test Result will be shown in the project page after every build.