Jenkins : Jobcopy Builder plugin

Plugin Information

View Jobcopy Builder on the plugin site for more information.

This plugin adds "Copy Job" as a build step.You can select how to retrieve choices, including the way to share choices among all jobs.

What's this?

This plugin provides a Copy Job build step:

  • It makes a new job from an existing job.
    • You can copy multiple jobs in one build execution with specifying multiple Copy Job build steps.
    • Can be applied to any type of jobs.
  • You specify following parameters.
    • From Job Name
      • Variable expressions can be used.
    • To Job Name
      • Variable expressions can be used.
    • Overwrite
      • Specifies whether to overwrite the destination job if it already exists.
  • Additional operations can be performed when copying.
    • Enable Job: Enabling the destination job if the source job is disabled.
    • Disable Job: Disabling the destination job if the source job is enabled. ( >= 1.3.0)
    • Replace String: Replace strings in a job configuration.
      • Source and destination strings can contain variable expressions.
  • Additional operation can be extended by using Extension Points.


  1. You can add "Copy Job" build step.
  2. "Copy Job" performs additional operations. Replacing strings in the configuration, enabling a disabled job.
    • The job copied from
    • The job copied to. String "VERSION" is replaced, and the job is enabled.
  3. Replacing strings can be applied to any part of configurations, including that of plugins. This is a example that the branch field of Git plugin is replaced.
    • The job copied from.
    • The job copied to. String "VERSION" is replaced.

How does this work?

This plugin works as following:

  1. Reads the configuration xml (config.xml) of the copying job.
  2. Applies the operations to the configuration xml string.
  3. Create a new job with the processed configuration xml string.

Extension point

A new way to provide choices can be added with implementing JobcopyOperation, overriding the following method:

public String perform(String xmlString, String encoding, EnvVars env, PrintStream logger);

or, with extending AbstractXmlJobcopyOperation, overriding the following method:

abstract public Document perform(Document doc, EnvVars env, PrintStream logger);

Used with promoted builds

When used with Promoted Builds Plugin, the configurations of promotions are not copied for they are not stored in config.xml.
Do as followings:

  • Click "Advanced" in "copy Job"
  • Add "Additional File Sets", specify "promotions/*/config.xml" in "Files".

Permissions to copy jobs

  • "Copy Job" build step requires following permissions.

    Target Job

    Required permissions


    Item to copy from

    Job/Read, Job/ExtendedRead

    Job/ExtendedRead is displayed only when you install Extended Read Permission Plugin. You can grant it by granting Job/Configure instead.

    Item to copy to (when create)



    Item to copy to (when overwrite)

    Job/Read, Job/Configure


  • "Copy Job" is run as ANONYMOUS as default.


To report a bug or request an enhancement to this plugin please create a ticket in JIRA (you need to login or to sign up for an account). Also have a look on How to report an issue

Change Log

Version 1.4.0 (Jul 24, 2016)

  • Targets Jenkins 1.532. (was 1.480.3 till 1.3.0)
  • Improved permission checks (JENKINS-36672)
    • Jobcopy build step is authorized as anonymous when the build is run as SYSTEM (that is, if not authorization for the job is not configured)
    • Requires EXTENTED_READ (or CONFIGURE) permission to read job configurations.
    • See #Permissions to copy jobs for details.

Version 1.3.0 (May 24, 2015)

Version 1.2.0 (Sep 11, 2014)

Version 1.1.2 (Dec 22, 2013)

  • FIXED: Build results page shows wrong link for Copied To and Copied From (JENKINS-21080)

Version 1.1.1 (Aug 31, 2013)

  • Fixed a problem with overwriting multi-configuration projects.
    • combination filter was not removed even when it is removed in the source project.

Version 1.1.0 (Feb 27, 2013)

  • Added advanced configuration to copy additional files.
    • Useful for plugins that does not store configurations in config.xml of the job.
    • For example, you can copy configurations of Promoted Builds Plugin.

Version 1.0.1 (Feb 06, 2013)

  • Improved overwrite behavior
    • Version 1.0.0: delete the old job, and create a new job. Also builds are deleted.
    • Version 1.0.1 and later: update the configuration. Builds are preserved.
  • expand "From Job Name" field

Version 1.0.0 (Jan 14, 2013)

  • Initial release.


05-copyto02.png (image/png)
04-copyfrom02.png (image/png)
01-configure.png (image/png)
02-copyfrom01.png (image/png)
03-copyto01.png (image/png)