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About the plugin
- Execution restrictions on the node level
- Example 1: Take jobs according to the specified name pattern (e.g. allow running only "QA_.*" jobs on a node)
- Example 2: Prevent execution of user jobs on the Jenkins master node
- Restrictions of jobs triggering by external causes
- Example 1: Prohibit manual builds
- Example 2: Allow triggering only by a job with the specified owner.
- Several built-in restrictions + JobRestriction extension point
- Oleg Nenashev (maintainer)
- Initial plugin version has been sponsored by Synopsys Inc.,
Job restrictions for nodes
These restrictions can be configured in node's configuration page.
- Node won't accept jobs, which violate the specified restrictions
- Other requirements (executors, labels, etc.) will be checked as well
Job restrictions for projects
This type of restrictions allows to prevent execution of jobs by the launch cause.
If the cause does not satisfy requirements, job fails before running of SCM (the job cannot be aborted due to JENKINS-19497).
The current version supports the following checks:
- Apply Job restrictions to upstream build - prohibits the invocation from specific builds, which do not satisfy the specified requirements
- Prohibit manual launch of the job (since 0.2)
Extension points
Plugin provides a JobRestriction extension point, which allows implementation of new restrictions.
Built-in extensions:
- Logic operations (and, or, not)
- Started by user/group restrictions
- Restrictions support upstream projects (UpstreamCause)
- Rebuild Plugin and other specific causes are not supported
- Regex restriction - check the jobs name by a regular expression
The following plugins produce additional job restrictions:
Priority Sorter Plugin — This plugin allows Jobs to be prioritised based on Queue Strategies and Priority Strategies.
If your plug-in is not listed here, then simply add the label job-restriction-producer to your plug-in wiki page and it will be automatically listed.
JIRA issues
If you have any proposals/bug reports, please create an issue on Jenkins JIRA.
Version history
Version 0.8 (Oct 06, 2018)
JENKINS-51359 - Fix Form validation issue for classname restrictions when a class belongs to another plugin
Jenkins core requirement is updated to 2.60.3
Version 0.7 (May 16, 2018)
Jenkins core requirement is updated to 2.7.3
PR #19 - Performance: use new core API to speedup user retrieval in the plugin
PR #22 - Add Chinese localization for top-level entries
Version 0.6 (10/14/2016)
Get full names for queue items when they're available. Solves the issue with restricting Pipelines within Folders (JENKINS-36626)
Add Job Class Restriction (JENKINS-38644)
Update core dependency to 1.609.3 due to Pipeline autotest requirements
Version 0.5 (08/03/2016)
Upgraded the core baseline to 1.580.x in order to support Pipeline in near future
Upgrade to the new parent POM
Change the display name of AnyJobRestriction to "No restriction (take any)" (JENKINS-36960)
Version 0.4 (01/18/2015)
Support of "Started by user" restriction (JENKINS-25726)
Support of "Started by user from the group" restriction (JENKINS-25726) - thanks to Unknown User (csms)
Avoid NPEs for deleted builds in UpstreamCauseRestriction for jobs (JENKINS-26374)
Version 0.3 (06/29/2013)
Added support of full names for all items: support of Folders Plugin and Maven modules (JENKINS-23597)
Version 0.2.2 (12/08/2013)
Missing jelly file causes errors on job configuration pages (JENKINS-20357)
Version 0.2.1 (11/13/2013)
Broken release, equals to 0.2
Version 0.2 (10/26/2013)
AND and OR expressions with multiple entries (JENKINS-20207)
Restriction of manual build's execution (JENKINS-20281)
This version has corrupted resources, which may affect Jenkins installations on several platforms.
Use job-restrictions 0.2.2 to avoid this issue
Version 0.1 (08/26/2013)
Initial version with basic restrictions for nodes and jobs