Jenkins : HPE Application Automation Tools


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Link to Latest  Plugin 

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headlessnode_slave.jpg (image/jpeg)
Jenink_Slave_User.JPG (image/jpeg)
jenkins_alm.gif (image/gif)
LR_PC_Build_Artifacts.jpg (image/jpeg)
Select_columns_UFT_CI.JPG (image/jpeg)
Plot_build_data.png (image/png)
Plot_configuration_example.png (image/png)
Plot_build_data.png (image/png)
test result.png (image/png)
advanced.png (image/png)
custom profile.png (image/png)
nv host.png (image/png)
nv proxy.png (image/png)
nv select.png (image/png)
profile select.png (image/png)
test config.png (image/png)
timeOut.png (image/png)