Plugin Information |
View GitHub SQS Build Trigger on the plugin site for more information. |
Github Amazon SQS Plugin
This plugin integrates Jenkins with Github projects via Amazon's Simple Queue Service
The plugin currently:
- Consumes a message from an SQS Queue and triggers any jobs that have a matching github repository configuration.
- Atomically adds and removes the Github SQS Service hook
- Trigger build job using GitHub Amazon SNS service hook that use a SQS topic subscription
Trigger a build when a change is pushed to GitHub using Amazon SQS
To use this feature, first go to the global configuration and add a SQS Profile
To verify that you have correctly configured the SQS profile you can click "Test Access" this checks to see if the Queue exists in your SQS account and tries to create it if it does not. You can always manually create the queue via Amazon AWS Management Console
Once that configuration is done, go to the project config and simply check "Build when a message is published to an SQS Queue" under "Build Triggers".
How to configure the GitHub SQS hook
You can choose to have Jenkins automatically manage the Github SQS hook automatically. You'll specify GitHub user names and passwords so that Jenkins can login as you to do this, and yes, we need your password and not API token because GitHub doesn't have an API for managing service hooks.
If you want to manually manage the service hook or inspect the config you navigate to the Admin -> Service Hooks section and select the SqsQueue hook and enter your AWS Access Key, the SQS Queue name and your AWS Secret key. The Queue name will need to match the Queue name you have configured in Jenkins
How to configure the GitHub SNS hook
To use the GitHub SNS service hook to trigger builds you need to manually configure it. You need to navigate to the Admin -> Service Hooks section and select the AmazonSNS hook and enter Aws Key, Aws Secret, Sns Topic and Sqs Queue. The Sqs queue is used by the SNS service to create a subscription for that queue. The queue name will need to match the queue you have configured in your Jenkins SQS Profile config.
Change Log
Version 1.5 (Apr 19, 2013)
- JENKINS-16617 - Github SQS plugin not starting jobs on Jenkins 1.500
Github SQS plugin not starting jobs on Jenkins 1.500 - JENKINS-16669 - GitHub SQS Plugin works only once after project config
Version 1.4 (Feb 04, 2013)
- JENKINS-16128 - Broken Jenkins Configuration page when Github SQS plugin is installed
Version 1.3 (Nov 23, 2012)
- support for triggering builds using GitHub Amazon SNS service hook that have been bridged to SQS Queue.
Version 1.2.1 (Nov 22, 2012)
- Correctly use the Github Credentials supplied in the SQS Profile config
- Atomically adds and removes the Github SQS Service hook
Version 1.0 (Mar 13, 2012)
- Support for consuming messages published to SQS queues with message body in the Github webook payload format and triggering the appropriate builds.
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JenkinsGithubSQSHookConfig.png (image/png)
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GithubSQSHookConfig.png (image/png)
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GitHubSNSConfig.png (image/png)
JenkinsPlugins.pdf (application/pdf)