An afternoon of reading derived from a search for articles about Drush and Jenkins
Relevant Blogs
Jenkins Job Template for Drupal Projects
- Drupal and Jenkins: continuous integration howto
- Drupal 7 tip: How to automate and control your go live checklist
- Using Jenkins CI and Drupal
- Drupal Continuous Integration with Jenkins, a How-To Slideshow
SimpleTest and PHPUnit
- Drush, Simpletest, and continuous integration for Drupal using Jenkins
- Optimize simpletest jUnit xml output for use in Jenkins
- upal
- Running tests with Drupal
Phing and Drush
- Phing Orchestrated Drupal Site Builds
- Jenkins and Phing templates for continuous integration
- Phing Drush Task
Testing the User Interface
Validating php, html, js and css
- Coder
- Drupal's test suite based on PHPUnit
- W3C Download and Install the CSS Validator
- W3C Markup Validator Web Service API