Plugin Information |
View Downstream-Ext on the plugin site for more information. |
This plugin supports extended configuration for triggering downstream builds:
- trigger build only if downstream job has SCM changes
- trigger build if upstream build result is better/equal/worse than any given result (SUCCESS, UNSTABLE, FAILURE, ABORTED)
- for Matrix (alias multi-configuration) jobs you can decide which part of the job should trigger the downstream job: parent only, configurations only or both
Version 1.8
- Fixed incompatibility with newer Jenkins versions JENKINS-16917
Version 1.7
- Improved to work with hierarchical projects, such as folders plugin
- Build dowsntreams only when this job itself is triggered via SCM change (pull #1)
Version 1.6
- fixed: (this time for real - well I certainly hope so): upstream build can block if downstream uses a SCM which 'locks' the workspace (e.g. CVS or Perforce) [JENKINS-5406]
- added: you can now configure wich part of a matrix job (parent, configuration, both) should trigger a downstream build [JENKINS-6049]
Version 1.5
- fixed again (hope the fix works this time): upstream build can block if downstream uses a SCM which 'locks' the workspace (e.g. CVS or Perforce) [JENKINS-5406 ]
Version 1.4
- fixed: upstream build can block if downstream uses a SCM which 'locks' the workspace (e.g. CVS or Perforce) [JENKINS-5406 ]
- fixed: workaround for matrix build not being triggered since 1.2 [JENKINS-5508]
Version 1.3
- allow triggering for aborted jobs [JENKINS-5215]
- allow triggering if build result is exactly equal or equal or under the specified threshold [JENKINS-5215]
Version 1.2 (requires Hudson 1.341 or higher)
- show dependency to downstream jobs in build overview page (uses enhancements done to job dependency management introduced in Hudson 1.341)
Version 1.1 (requires Hudson 1.321 or higher)
- allow triggering of downstream job if upstream's build result was failure.
Version 1.0
- initial release. Optionally, restrict triggering to downstream jobs with SCM changes.