APIs for using Docker from other plugins.
Plugin Information |
View Docker Commons on the plugin site for more information. |
Older versions of this plugin may not be safe to use. Please review the following warnings before using an older version:
- Summary
- Use-cases
- Version history
- Version 1.15 (May 13, 2019)
- Version 1.14 (April 2, 2019)
- Version 1.13 (May 18, 2018)
- Version 1.12 (May 11, 2018)
- Version 1.11 (Jan 04, 2018)
- Version 1.10 (Dec 11, 2017)
- Version 1.9 (Oct 10, 2017)
- Version 1.8 (Jul 10, 2017)
- Version 1.7 (Jun 16, 2017)
- Version 1.6 (Jan 11, 2017)
- Version 1.5 (Oct 05, 2016)
- Version 1.4.1 (Sep 08, 2016)
- Version 1.4.0 (Jun 17, 2016)
- Version 1.3.1 (Feb 19, 2016)
- Version 1.3 (Feb 08, 2016)
- Version 1.2 (Jul 29 2015)
- Version 1.1 (Jul 07 2015)
- Version 1.0 (May 22 2015)
Plugin provides the following features:
- API for managing Docker image and container fingerprints
- Credentials and location of Docker Registry
- Credentials and location of Docker Daemon (aka Docker Remote API)
- ToolInstallation for Docker CLI clients
- DockerImageExtractor extension point to get Docker image relations from jobs
- Simple UI referring related image fingerprints in Docker builds
Credentials and locations
This allows users to configure one set of endpoint/credentials and use it across all the Docker
related plugins, thereby keeping configuration more DRY.
See Docker Pipeline Plugin for the typical usage.
Version history
Version 1.15 (May 13, 2019)
- JENKINS-57439 - Add Declarative Credentials handler for Docker Resolved - Add support of Docker credentials specification in Declarative Pipeline
- JENKINS-52724 - Building an image with a custom registry overwrites environment variables Resolved , JENKINS-52737 - Using a docker agent from a private registry does pass the proxy configuration to the docker container Closed - Inherit properties from the local Docker config.json if it exists
- JENKINS-57420 - Use the new multiline secret field in docker-commons Resolved - Use a new way to specify multi-line secrets in the plugin
Version 1.14 (April 2, 2019)
- Improve help text formatting (PR 73)
- Developer: Add new API for getting Docker-related credentials for JENKINS-48437 - Docker Pipeline Plugin withRegistry and Authorize Plugin fails to get credentialsId Resolved
Version 1.13 (May 18, 2018)
- API for JENKINS-51397 - docker login being called without server-related environment variables Resolved
Version 1.12 (May 11, 2018)
- JENKINS-38018 - withDockerRegistry fails to authenticate with DockerHub Resolved (and allied issues)
- JENKINS-41880 - ConcurrentModificationException while creating docker image fingerprints Resolved
- JENKINS-49075 - docker-commons-plugin not working with PCT Resolved implies a newer Jenkins core dependency
Version 1.11 (Jan 04, 2018)
- JENKINS-48674 - Automated installation of docker fail for recent version of docker (> 17.05.0-ce) Resolved Failure to download newer Docker releases from the automatic tool installer.
Version 1.10 (Dec 11, 2017)
- JENKINS-48453 - java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException when materializing ServerKey Resolved Regression in Jenkins 2.93+ when using server credentials.
Version 1.9 (Oct 10, 2017)
- Removing
plugin dependency.
Version 1.8 (Jul 10, 2017)
Version 1.7 (Jun 16, 2017)
- Always include port in image name.
- Add credentials binding implementation for Docker server credentials.
Version 1.6 (Jan 11, 2017)
- JENKINS-39181 Fix Invalid fully qualified image name when registry URL is specified
Version 1.5 (Oct 05, 2016)
- JENKINS-38018 API for more informative logging about use of registry credentials.
Version 1.4.1 (Sep 08, 2016)
- JENKINS-36082 JENKINS-32790 The Docker tool installer (used for example by
in the Docker Pipeline Plugin) was broken.
Version 1.4.0 (Jun 17, 2016)
- Migration to the new parent POM (JENKINS-35018)
- Jenkins core dependency has been updated to 1.580.x
Version 1.3.1 (Feb 19, 2016)
- Polishing the fix of JENKINS-28776
Version 1.3 (Feb 08, 2016)
- Support the "sha256:" prefix in image ID, required for Docker 1.10 (JENKINS-32792)
- Replace build action icon stubs by Docker icons (JENKINS-28776)
Version 1.2 (Jul 29 2015)
- NPE when using credentials together with docker 1.7 (JENKINS-29627)
- Support creation of named fingerprints in the API (JENKINS-29098)
Version 1.1 (Jul 07 2015)
- Cleanup of FindBugs issues, update of the CI system
- Fix the issue with the Docker Tool selector (PR #40)
- Support Docker 1.7+ .docker/config.json (PR #38)
Version 1.0 (May 22 2015)
- First stable release
- There were may alpha releases before this release, see commit histories in GitHub