Plugin Information |
View Conditional BuildStep on the plugin site for more information. |
This plugin requires the TokenMacro Plugin and the Run Condition Plugin to be installed!
- Ever wanted to have more control whether a step should be executed or not?
- Want to reduce the number of jobs doing nearly the same thing?
Add a conditional buildstep which acts as a container. It will allow you to define a condition controling the execution of the step(s).
There are multiple conditions one can choose of, these are all defined by the Run Condition Plugin
Missing builder
If you're not able to add the builder of your choice within a conditional build step (because it's not available within the dropdown), then this is likely because the builder does not provide a @DataBoundConstructor constructor and/or the Descriptor does not extend hudson.tasks.BuildStepDescriptor. For non programmers: the plugin you would like to use does not yet follow the newest Jenkins coding guidelines. Without this, the conditional buildstep plugin is not able to work with it.
Conditional step (single)
This build step allows you to select any build step and define a condition to control whether the step should be executed.
For reasons why you might want to use this step, see Why use Conditional step (single)?
Conditional steps (multiple)
A 'Conditional steps (multiple)' container is able to contain any number of any other buildsteps (e.g. Shell, Ant, Maven,...) and you can have any number of 'Conditional Steps' containers, each configured with a different condition.
please check out the examples at the Run Condition Plugin
Known issues
Version History
1.3.6 (9. June 2017)
- integrate JENKINS-43887 upgrade parent pom to 2.x (thanks varyvol #14)
- ConditionalBuilder now implements DependencyDeclarer (thanks TWestling #12)
1.3.5 (16. June 2016)
- fix JENKINS-35526, update to DependencyDeclarer (PR#10 thanks fbelzunc)
- fix JENKINS-34971 describe advanced options about failing the evaluation of a condition
1.3.3 (13. Nov. 2013)
- fix JENKINS-20543 fix "NoSuchMethodError: org.jenkinsci.plugins.conditionalbuildstep.ConditionalBuildStepHelper.getContainedBuilders()"
1.3.2 (10. Nov.2013)
- add helper (ConditionalBuildStepHelper) to support working with wrapped build steps to support JENKINS-18967
- enhance ConditionalBuildStepHelper to also return pre- and post builders from a maven project
1.3 (16. July 2013)
- fix JENKINS-18135 fix compatibility issues with Any Build Step Plugin
- lift dependency to core LTS 1.480.3
1.2.2 (2. June 2013)
- fix JENKINS-17836 exception if there is no builder defined within the conditional build step
1.2.1 (1. Nov 2012)
- Fix JENKINS-13871 Using "Conditional build step" and "Parameterized build step" in same step is preventing parallel executions of same job
1.2 (11. Okt 2012)
- Fix JENKINS-14118 show builds triggered through "Conditional buildstep" plugin reported as downstream builds for the current build.
1.1 (6. May 2012)
- Fix JENKINS-13618 Unable to use multiple Conditional Steps in the Prebuild section of Multi configuration job
1.0 (31. March 2012)
- Fix JENKINS-13112 - Adding any post-build step as a build step causes exception (caused in combination with the Any Build Step Plugin)
0.0.3 (31. Dec. 2011)
- Fix JENKINS-12036 - conditional buildsteps does not support matrix build
0.0.2 (14. Nov. 2011)
- integrate Run Condition Plugin to ease condition extensions, which also fixes JENKINS-11671
- initial
Help and Support
For Help and support please use the Jenkins Users mailing list or the Issue tracker (JIRA).
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