Jenkins : ClearCase UCM Plugin Usage

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At Praqma we are really curious to learn about how you use our plugin.

We encourage you to share a few details about your setup, how you use ClearCase UCM, how you use Jenkins. Treats us with all your hard earned experiences - tell us what you like and don't like about our plugin.

Freddie Mac

As part of our Evaluation on Continuous Integration tools , I have installed this plug in . This is the only plug in that supports UCM clearcase. So easy  to configure. Major draw back of this plugin i sit only supports on windows. I am looking forward to it work on Unix/Linux.

Jagan Kalluri


Passenger Solutions (subsidiary of the National Belgian Railroads)

Here is how we use this plugin:

  • For each UCM-project, we first run a job which creates new baselines in the integration stream: the job creates a dynamic view (attached to the integration stream), runs the command "cleartool mkbl” in this dynamic view and then deletes the view again. After this job is run, new baselines may or may not be created in the stream, depending on the fact whether new changes/activities have been delivered from the development streams to the integration stream. The new baseline will have the promotion level INITIAL. It typical takes a few seconds to run such a job.
  • Then we have the actual build job, which uses the ClearCase UCM plugin. This job is triggered via an SCM change (polling the integration stream in self-mode). In the case of the ClearCase UCM plugin, this means the existence/creation of a new INITIAL baseline. It's important that this job is triggered by an SCM change, and not by a post-build action of the first job. Otherwise this job would run even if no new baselines have been created. When a build starts, a script determines what has changed since the last BUILT baseline (not necessarily the previous baseline). When these changes are identified, we determine to which modules these elements belong. Then a bottom-up build is started: starting from the changed modules and then up to the modules that have dependencies to these changed modules. We use a combination of Ant and Ivy to determine these dependencies (for those who are familiar with Ivy: the Ivy task buildlist is used in combination with the leafs-attribute).
    When the build completes successfully, the baseline is promoted by the UCM-plugin to BUILT. When the build fails, the baseline is demoted to REJECTED. In that case a correction will have to be delivered, and a new run will try to build again the complete set of changes since the last BUILT baseline. This way, we are sure that every baseline with promotion level BUILT contains a successful build of our complete system.

We have been running this setup for several UCM projects on Windows and on Linux servers. I would encourage everybody who is using ClearCase UCM and wants to automate their build process to use this plugin with Jenkins. It’s all very logical and is perfectly tuned to the UCM processes. If your change set between two baselines is very big, the initial step of the job may take some time, because the plugin tries to determine all changes between the current and previous baselines (I think it uses cleartool diffbl and cleartool describe commands for this).

Marc De Boeck