Jenkins : Acunetix 360 Scan Plugin

Jenkins plugin for Acunetix 360


Allows users to start security scans via Acunetix 360 and see their reports in Jenkins 


Global Settings

 Acunetix 360 plugin needs the admin user to define the API settings only once.

Global Settings Override

Global settings can be overridden in pipeline scripts by giving ncApiToken and/or ncServerURL parameters.

Example Script

step([$class: 'ACXScanBuilder', ncScanType: '', ncWebsiteId: '64de5546-c58d-4352-574e-aa3a02c258b4', ncProfileId: '6b0a49f9-2603-4f81-5802-aa7f0260f280'])

Scan Task

 Once you define global API settings, the plugin retrieves available scan settings such as scannable website list and scan profile names. You can easily select relevant settings.

Scan Report

 Once your initiated scan is completed, you can easily see your executive scan report on the build result window.



In order to use the Acunetix 360 scan plugin, following requirements needs to be satisfied:

  • The user must have API token which has permission to start security scan.

  • The token belongs to the Acunetix 360 account must have at least one registered website. 

User Guide

Acunetix 360 Jenkins Plugin documentation is always available at: (Will be updated)

Acunetix 360 SDLC documentation is always available at: (Will be updated)